Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 4
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume 4 (1993).iso
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Linear INteractive Electronic Analysis
WAVEform SPECification
Release of 1 July 1993
Programs, Documentation and Instructions
Leonard H. Anderson
Copyright (c) 1993, all rights reserved
Standard/Math Coprocessor document release date 7 August 1993
Consent and Disclaimer.......................................4
Conventions in this Document.................................5
DESCRIPTION/OPERATION OF LINEA.....................................7
General Keyboard Input in LINEA.............................10
Numeric Value Entry.........................................10
Y/N Queries.................................................11
Main Commands (Listing).....................................11
Output Command Combinations.................................14
Output Printer Margins and Pagination.......................15
ASCII-Character Plot Equivalents............................15
Output Plot Scale Choices...................................16
Rotating Twiddle Characters.................................16
Off-Line Use of Solution Files..............................16
Setting Frequency Limits....................................17
Time Limits.................................................17
Node of Solution............................................18
Zero-Decibel Reference Voltage..............................18
Opening or Closing a Branch.................................18
CIRCUIT LIST COMMANDS..........................................19
Starting or Continuing a Circuit List.......................19
Branch Description and Designation..........................19
Modifying a Branch Value....................................19
Deleting a Branch...........................................20
Inserting a New Branch......................................20
General Branch-Node Circuit Building in LINEA...............20
Type Descriptions...........................................22
Passive Single Branches.....................................22
Independent Current Sources.................................23
Current Direction in Sources................................23
Dependent Current Sources...................................23
Transformer Macromodel Details..............................26
Unbalanced Transmission Line Macromodel Details.............26
Bipolar Transistor Macromodel Details.......................27
Operational Amplifier Macromodel Details....................28
ENTERING CIRCUIT COMPONENTS....................................29
Branch Entry, Single-Value Branches.........................29
Branch Entry, Double-Value Branches.........................30
Quicker Entry, Single-Value and Double-Value Branches.......30
Dependent Current Source Value Entry........................31
Signal (Generator) Value Entry..............................31
Macromodel Entries..........................................32
Required-Listed Macromodel Values...........................32
Seeing the Full Circuit List................................33
Circuit List Hardcopy.......................................34
CIRCUIT LIST EDITING...........................................34
Special Note on Insert Command..............................34
Special Notes on All Macromodels............................34
DISK DATA FILES................................................35
Setting the Data Storage Drive:\Directory Path..............35
Reading/Writing Circuit Files...............................36
LINEA - Page 1 of 71
Circuit Creation Dates and Remarks..........................36
Solution Storage and Retrieval..............................37
Waveform Files..............................................37
SOLUTIONS AND OUTPUT...........................................38
General Solution Organization of LINEA......................38
Scale Limit Selection on Plot...............................38
Two Forms of Impedance Plot.................................39
Time-Waveform Plot Reconstructs.............................39
Syntax on Solution Type and Form............................39
Time-Related Output.........................................39
Generating Waveforms........................................40
Generating Plot Artwork.....................................40
Single DC Output............................................41
CONVERTING FROM SCHEMATIC TO LISTING...........................41
In the Beginning............................................41
Node Numbers Must be Contiguous.............................41
Commons, "Ground" and Supply Lines..........................42
Parasitic Reactance, Resistance.............................42
Current Through Dependent Branches..........................43
Voltage Across Dependent Branches...........................43
Creating "Stiff" Voltage Sources............................43
Negative Resistance or Reactance............................44
Operational Amplifier Circuits..............................44
Field-Effect Transistor Models..............................44
Bandwidth-Alterable Networks with Transformer Macromodel....44
Creating "Black Box" Sub-Circuits...........................45
Reconstructing Schematics from Circuit Lists................45
DESCRIPTION/USE OF WAVESPEC.......................................46
WAVESPEC Input Conventions.....................................46
Waveform Description Modes..................................46
Conversion from Video to R.F. and Reverse Conversion........47
Reconstruction of Any Waveform..............................47
Disk Storage and Retrieval of Waveform Data.................47
Operation from LINEA........................................47
WAVESPEC MAIN COMMAND SET (Listing)............................48
ENTERING WAVEFORM DATA.........................................50
Single Pulse................................................50
Waveform Amplitude at Equal Time Increments.................50
Entering Amplitude at Individual Time Positions.............51
Converting a Video Waveform to Modulation of an RF Carrier..51
Observing a Created WAveform................................52
Writing and Reading Data To/From Disk.......................52
Hints on Various Waveform Descriptions......................53
INSTALLING LINEA AND WAVESPEC.....................................55
LINEA Program Set Files.....................................55
CPU Versions and Copies.....................................56
FIRST-USE LINEA PRIMER/TUTORIAL...................................57
On-Line Help................................................57
Getting Acquainted With Circuit Listings....................57
Trying Out a Macromodel.....................................58
Trying Out Circuit Edit Functions...........................59
Saving a Circuit File, Trying out DOS Functions.............60
LINEA - Page 2 of 71
General Format..............................................64
CIRCUIT DATA FILES.............................................65
SOLUTION DATA FILES............................................66
WAVEFORM DATA FILES............................................67
APPENDIX B - EXAMPLE CIRCUIT......................................68
APPENDIX C - LINEA CONFIGURATION..................................70
Important: See page 55 (Installation) and page 70
(Configuration) to set up a Standard (no coprocessor)
or Math coprocessor version in your system.
LINEA - Page 3 of 71
LINEA is a Linear INteractive Electronic Analysis program set for
determining the frequency response of an electronic circuit having a
maximum of 200 components and 40 connection points. Components may be
resistors, capacitors, inductors, series and parallel resistor-reactances,
reactances with specified Q, stimuli, and dependent current sources.
Macromodels of transformers, transmission lines, transistors and
operational amplifiers are included. Frequency range may be anything from
DC to Terahertz in linear or logarithmic increments. Repetitive waveforms
may be used for stimuli. Numerical input is free-form, scaling letter
suffixes from femto to Tera at user's option. Analysis solutions may be
printed or plotted on common dot-matrix printers. Circuit lists and
solutions may be stored on or retrieved from disk.
WAVESPEC is an auxilliary program used with LINEA that may be run stand-
alone to create a repetitive waveform and do a time-to-frequency Fourier
transform to the first 200 frequency coefficients.
LINEA (acronym pronounced "lin-EY-ah") and WAVESPEC will each work in any
MS-DOS computer having a minimum of 192 kilobyte free main memory (RAM)
space; 384K free RAM is minimum for both being memory-resident. There is
no restriction or requirement on special display devices. Any ASCII
character printer may be used for hard copy output. The Standard Program
Set is for personal computers using 80286 to 80486 CPUs. The Math version
makes full use of numeric coprocessor to speed up solutions by a factor
of three to seven.
LINEA and WAVESPEC are analysis _tools_, useful to engineers, technicians,
educators, and advanced electronics hobbyists alike. It is not intended as
a teaching aid but it can lend insight into frequency-domain response
of complex circuits.
The LINEA program set is Shareware. Anyone may try out the LINEA set on
one computer for a period of 15 days; beyond that time every user is
obligated to obtain a registration for continued use, including commercial,
educational, or governmental associations.
LINEA, WAVESPEC, associated files and documentation are the exclusive
property of Leonard H. Anderson and are copyrighted 1993. No part of the
LINEA program set (programs plus documentation) may be reproduced,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into
any other language or computer language in whole or in part, in any form or
by any means, except for distribution without fee as a program collection
or for individual single-user archive purposes, without prior written
consent of the author.
The author disclaims all warranties as to this software, whether express or
implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, functionality, accuracy,
data integrity or protection.
LINEA - Page 4 of 71
Distribution of the LINEA program collection by Bulletin Board Systems is
encouraged. Companies and organizations engaged in the collection and sale
of shareware shall require permission from the author before distributing
all or part of the LINEA program set.
This Manual is an explanation of the LINEA and WAVESPEC programs'
operation. Users are expected to know the basics of electronics and be
familiar with electronic terms. There is very little esoteric material
found in comprehensive textbooks for college courses, yet the program
operates with such esoterica and solves node-branch circuit arrangements
accurately and quickly for frequency-domain analysis. The LINEA program
set is useful to working electronics engineers, electronic technicians,
hobbyists with a desire to create the difficult, students and educators
alike. The LINEA programs were written by an engineer who is also an
electronics hobbyist.
LINEA, WAVESPEC, and accompanying documentation were written with a prime
rule that the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
characters are to be used for ALL input-output. This makes it possible to
display everything, regardless of display type, and to be printed on nearly
every page-size printer in use in North America.
As a result of restrictions to ASCII characters, the few "schematics" in
here are somewhat lacking in quality and appearance. Given those
limitations, diagrams are as simple and understandable as possible. Also,
many of the terms common to electronics notations use subscripts and
superscripts and italics, features missing in ASCII. To bridge the gap
between common use and LINEA, the following is a short list of not-quite-
standard notation:
Hfe = Hybrid forward current gain, common-emitter transistor;
common term is all-lower-case italics.
Hoe = Hybrid output conductance, common-emitter transistor;
common term is all-lower-case italics.
Ic = Transistor DC collector current, commonly written
Ft = Transistor cut-off frequency; commonly written
Zo = Characteristic impedance, as applied to transmission
lines; commonly written all-caps as "Z-sub-O."
Fc = "Corner frequency" in operational amplifiers, point of
frequency intersection between open-loop gain and
slope of gain falling at a rate of 20 db per decade.
Av = Voltage gain, commonly written "A-sub-V", used in here
denoting open-loop gain of operational amplifiers.
gm = transconductance, values in mhos.
<units> = Any number not having a specific value name, as
opposed to Ohms, Farads, Henries, Hertz, etc.
<xyz> = General designation for entry, "<xyz>" explained in
Main Commands and Branch Type Designations have no rule regarding case.
They can be entered as capitals, 'small' letters, or mixed-case...the only
requirement is that the letters be correct and contiguous as shown. All-
capitals notation in text here is an emphasis device.
LINEA - Page 5 of 71
Where keyboard inputs are described within text, they are shown capitalized
within single- or double-quotes. Single- or double-quotes themselves are
NOT keyboard entries.
All documents in the LINEA program set are formatted for 8.5 x 11 inch page
sizes, 10 characters per inch horizontally, 6 lines per inch vertically.
Printer Form-Feed control characters are not used. Documents are limited
to 75 characters per line and assume a printer can be set to give a half-
inch (5 character) left margin.
For better illustration of single-branch components and their formulae, the
user is directed to Byte Books' publication "Simulation; Programming
Techniques Volume 2," edited by Blaise W. Liffick, pp 87-97, article
entitled "Linear Circuit Analysis" by Leonard H. Anderson. Byte
Publications is now owned by McGraw-Hill and the "Simulation" book,
copyrighted 1979, was out of print a few years ago. Among several texts on
computer-aided design/engineering, the author has found the following to be
"IBM Electronic Circuit Analysis Program," by Randall W. Jensen and Mark
D. Lieberman (Prentice-Hall, 1968). ECAP is the grand-daddy of all CAE
programs and the frequency-domain modelling techniques are applicable to
"Computer Methods for Circuit Analysis and Design," by Jiri Vlach and
Kishore Singhal (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983). A very detailed overview
and theory of all CAE programs, although a bit "academic" for working
circuit designers.
"Basic Circuit Theory with Digital Computations," by Lawrence P. Huelsman
(Prentice-Hall, 1972). Gets down to basics on individual components and
presents many FORTRAN routines to analyze components and networks.
LINEA - Page 6 of 71
LINEA analyzes the response of an electronic circuit modelled from passive
and active 'branches' connected by contiguous 'nodes.' Stimuli, from a
series of frequencies or repetitive-waveform coefficients, results in a
frequency-domain solution at any one selected node. Each branch may be a
resistor, a capacitor, an inductor, combinations thereof, independent or
dependent current sources, or a mathematically-derived equivalent branch(s)
(as in some circuit macromodels). Macromodels include an isolated two-
winding transformer, unbalanced transmission line, bipolar transistor and
operational amplifier.
All circuit solutions are in the frequency domain, resulting in voltage
magnitude, phase-angle, and group delay at one selected node for each
frequency. Impedance may be solved in lieu of voltage; impedance is shown
in both polar and rectangular form. In the case of a repetitive waveform
stimulus, a solution waveform is reconstructed using an internal frequency-
to-time transform. Discrete frequency selection may be DC-only, in linear-
increment sweep, or in logarithmic-increment sweep. The total number of
frequencies is limited to 200. Repetitive waveforms may be fully described
as to shape, and may be either video or amplitude-modulated RF.
The maximum number of branches-plus-macromodels is 200. Maximum number of
nodes is 40. Node Zero is _always_ common, or 'ground.' Non-zero nodes
must be contiguous. LINEA checks for maxima and contiguity, displaying
specific warnings for violations. Node of solution is selectable to any
circuit node.
All non-integer numeric entries may use mantissa/decimal-point/fraction
format, 'E format' common to BASIC or FORTRAN languages, or Scaling Letter
suffixes ranging from femto to Tera, or any mixture thereof. LINEA accepts
all of them for any non-integer numeric input. ALL non-integer calculation
is done in 'double precision' using 15 significant digits and having a
power-of-ten range from -308 to +308, a range well beyond today's physical
Except for Scaling Letters and circuit list Remarks, there is NO
distinction on entry case. No PC function keys, Control or Alternate key
combinations are used at any time.
All LINEA program commands are done at a 'Main Command' level, using clear
English words or accepted abbreviations. Most commands are one word.
Command words may be abbreviated to the first 3 letters, first 2 letters,
or, sometimes, as a single letter or symbol. A few use two words separated
by a space. Where some numeric value should be entered following the first
command word, a "data word," that numeric may be entered following a space
separator as a 'second word.' If a first command word requiring data input
is given, but data inadvertently omitted, LINEA displays a prompt for the
type and kind of data. If that data should consist of two or three
numerics and only one is entered, LINEA will re-prompt for all of them.
LINEA - Page 7 of 71
Command word entry may be the following, depending on command:
<WORD> <DATA> <-- space separator
<1stWORD> <2ndWORD> <-- space separator
Data words have contiguous characters, individual data items separated by a
comma, semicolon, or forward-slant delimiter.
Data words may be entered as:
<DATA> (single item)
<ITEM1>,<ITEM2> or <ITEM1>;<ITEM2> or <ITEM1>/<ITEM2>
^ ^ ^
(any of the three delimiter characters accepted)
Circuit entry is handled much the same as Main Commands. Component
descriptions recognize, in order, first letter, first two letters, or first
three letters of a component name. All other letters or numbers, including
a few symbols, may be added for reference designation. The Node number
entries (integer) describe the location of the branch in the circuit.
Entering type but no node numbers results in a prompt for node numbers.
Numeric value entry for a branch is prompted next, some branches requiring
two values; omitting one value of a two-value entry will result in a "re-
entry" prompt. It is possible to enter everything for a single branch on
one line...see Circuit Entry section for details.
Throughout LINEA, the organization is aimed at being interactive, clear-
language, communicating with the user. There is a minimum of 'programese'
spoken, no "command line shorthand." The only jargon used is that of
LINEA's output is directed to the screen or the printer port. All Main
Commands, Circuit Entries, prompts and warnings go to the screen display.
Listings, tabulations, and graphics equivalents are to the screen or
printer port at the choice of the user, switchable at any time. Printer
port is that set up for MS-DOS itself. LINEA does pagination of each
hardcopy output, using a 66-line, 85-column format (10 characters per inch
horizontally, 6 lines per inch vertically, page size 8.5 by 11 inches).
The associated Configuration program sets the top and bottom margins, left
margin, for that standard. All printout uses ASCII characters, allowing
any 'standard page' size printer in North America to be used for hardcopy.
A total circuit list may be written to, or read from disk. A solution may
also be written to, or read from disk. Each has separate file extensions
for identification. LINEA allows selection of another drive and directory
(other than the program) if desired. Repetitive waveform coefficients are
generated by an auxilliary program, WAVESPEC; these coefficients may be
read from disk in the same manner as circuit lists or solutions. Circuit,
solution, or waveform files are ASCII in structure and may be read by any
other program as the equivalent of a text file. File structure, fields,
LINEA - Page 8 of 71
field descriptions are given in the Appendix.
Repetitive waveforms are described by invoking another program, WAVESPEC,
from within LINEA. When so done, LINEA goes into the "background" and will
return automatically when WAVESPEC exits. WAVESPEC requires another 192K
of free memory when used coincident with LINEA. WAVESPEC is not required
on disk for frequency-domain-only solutions. WAVESPEC may run stand-alone.
Solution 'plots' are made solely with ASCII characters. The reason for
this apparent limitation is the universality of character-only printers and
their generally-faster output.
Typical circuit analysis sessions will have considerable interaction by the
user's "tweaking" of values and checking response with those new values.
Each plot parameter is scanned for minimum and maximum value, then
displayed to the user; the user may choose those extremes as plot scale
limits or enter other plot scale limits.
LINEA "time and date stamps" every output as well as every circuit list or
solution file; solution files include the circuit filename and circuit
creation date for later reference. Circuit files include a one-line remark
for quick notations, changeable at any time from Main Command level. Every
output or circuit list is headed by the circuit name, its creation date,
one-line remark, node-of-solution, current time-and-date, and any branches
switched 'open.'
Circuit branches may be Opened or Closed at any time. 'Opening' a branch
disconnects it from analysis but allows it to remain in the list; identical
to opening a connection. 'Closing' an Open branch re-connects it for
analysis. The action is the same as unsoldering and lifting just one end
of a physical circuit component, then later re-soldering it.
Circuit lists may be edited at any time. Users may Add to the circuit,
Insert or Delete branches, or just Modify a branch value leaving the branch
type and node connections intact. Open, Close, Insert, Delete, or Modify
are all done from the Main Command level and users have the choice of
calling out the branch order number or the entered type designation.
Throughout LINEA's program structure there are a number of checks for
impossible-calculation conditions plus associated, specific warning
messages. LINEA should not crash in normal operation.
LINEA - Page 9 of 71
All keyboard input is free-form in nature. No PC Function keys or Ctrl-
<key> or Alt-<key> combinations are used for any purpose. The program is
controlled from a 'Main Command' level having the following screen prompt:
MAIN*> (printer port inactive)
Main-> (printer port active)
Main Command expects an all-alphabetic 'command word' to be entered. The
'word' itself may be an abbreviation of, in order, the first three letters,
the first two letters, or the first letter or a symbol. Some commands may
require two words; two words must be separated by at least one space. More
than one contiguous space is considered to be the same as one space.
Command words may be entered in all-capitals, all-lower-case, or even
mixed-case; only the letters themselves matter. Exception to this overall
rule occurs only with Scaling Letters or textual input for Circuit List
Some commands require data as the second word. A 'data word' in LINEA
consists of alphanumeric data of one to five items. Each data item is
separated (delimited) from the following data item by a comma, semicolon,
or forward-slant ('/'). No entry for an item is considered a space for
alphabetic data or zero for numeric data.
ALL numeric data items in LINEA have flexible input format. Each data item
may have any one or a mixture of any of the following formats:
* Mantissa-decimal-point-fraction.
* 'E-format' style common to BASIC and FORTRAN
* Scaling letter suffixes from femto to Tera.
Scaling letter multipliers are as follows:
T = Tera = 1E+12 f = femto = 1E-15
G = Giga = 1E+9 p = pico = 1E-12
M = Mega = 1E+6 n = nano = 1E-9
K = Kilo = 1E+3 u = micro = 1E-6
<none> = 1 m = milli = 1E-3
Scaling letter case MUST be observed. All below unity require lower-case,
all above unity require upper-case. The lower-case 'u' has been
substituted for the Greek 'mu' to permit direct compatibility with ASCII-
character printers.
LINEA - Page 10 of 71
The following keyboard-entry combinations all denote the same numerical
12345.678 12.345678E+3 12.345678K
0.012345678E+6 .012345678e+6 12345678m
12.345678KE-6 .012345678M
Scaling letter suffixes take precedence over any 'E-format' power of ten;
in the 7th example (12.345678KE-6), the "E-6" would be ignored. 'E-format'
allows either case for the "E."
The maximum number of digits in the mantissa is limited to 9. The exponent
range is limited to E+290 and E-289. Polarity is considered positive by
default (signs are ignored) and a minus sign must precede a number to
indicate it is negative. Except for Scaling Letters and the "E", all other
characters are ignored. Where data required is expected to be integer-
only, any fractional part of an entry is ignored.
Data item delimiters within a numeric data word are a comma, semicolon, or
forward-slant. Two contiguous separators indicate a zero value between the
delimiters. In the case of a delimiter character being the first character
in a data word, the first data item would be zero (null entry). Depressing
an <Enter> key without entering anything else in response to a prompt will
make ALL requested data items zero.
In several LINEA functions there are Yes-No queries having "[Y/n]" or
"[y/N]" entry prompts, each having only one letter capitalized. Pressing
<Enter> key without entering anything else is the same as entering the
capitalized key.
All of LINEA's Main Command words are listed following. All-capitals form
is used here to emphasize required _letters_; user may enter either case or
even mixed-case. These are all "first words"; if a second word is
required, LINEA will prompt for it. This list, in abbreviated form, is
duplicated in the HELP display on-line.
-or- Quit LINEA and return to DOS level.
HELp HEL HE ? Display 1 to 6 screens of on-line Help
DOS DO \ Temporary drop to DOS level. One DOS
request will return to LINEA afterwards
unless word 'COMMAND' is entered...will not
leave DOS level until 'EXIT' is entered.
LINEA - Page 11 of 71
NEW NE Begin entry of a new circuit list. Old
circuit data is discarded.
ADD AD A Add to an existing circuit list.
LISt LIS LI L List entire circuit to screen or printer.
ON ( Enable printer port to accept outputs or circuit
listing. Main Command prompt changes to "Main->" when
printer port is on/enabled. All PRInts or PLOts or
LISts are directed to the printer.
Active printer port is that set by Operating System.
Printer port remains on until turned off.
OFF OF ) Disable printer port. All outputs are directed back
to screen and Main Command prompt returns to "MAIN*>"
to show printer port is off. Default state when LINEA
is first run.
DRIve DRI DR & Select another Drive:\Directory path for reading or
-or- writing Circuit, Solution, or Waveform data files.
DIRectory DIR DI Default on LINEA start is same Drive:\Directory as
LINEA program drive and directory.
REAd REA RE R Read a Circuit file from disk. Requires only the
8-character-maximum filename. File extension of .LIN
is automatically appended. 'LIN' file extension is
LINEA's identification for Circuit list files.
WRIte WRI WR W Write an existing Ciruit file to disk. Same
filename and extension conditions as REAd.
SAVe SAV SA / Save a solution to disk, including frequency limits
and circuit filename (but not circuit itself).
Requires only the 8-character-maximum filename. File
extension of .LNA is automatically appended. 'LNA'
is LINEA's identification for Solution data files.
BRIng BRI BR B Bring (back) a previously-SAVed solution. Same file-
name and extension conditions as SAVe. Displays file-
name of circuit that was solved but does not read it
in. Used for viewing previous solutions. There are
conditions with this command which may result in an
error; please see later text on this command.
GET GE G Get (read in) repetitive waveform data in the form of
coefficients generated by program WAVESPEC. Requires
only the 8-character-maximum filename. Automatically
appends file extension of .LWC, LINEA and WAVESPEC's
identification for waveform data files.
OPEn OPE OP O Open the connection of a designated circuit branch.
Branch remains in circuit list but is not part of
circuit solution. Opening a previously-opened branch
has no effect. If an OPEn designates any branch in a
macromodel, the entire macromodel is Opened.
LINEA - Page 12 of 71
CLOse CLO CL C Close, or reconnect a designated circuit branch.
Opposite of OPEn. Closing an already-closed branch
has no effect. If a CLOse command designates any
branch in an opened macromodel, the entire macromodel
is closed.
MODify MOD MO M Modify only the values of a designated circuit branch.
Type and nodes remain intact. Inoperative with macro-
DELete DEL DE | Delete a designated circuit branch from a circuit
list. All higher-listed branches move down to fill in
list. If a DELete command designates one branch of a
macromodel, the entire macromodel is Deleted.
INSert INS IN ^ Insert a new branch at the designated branch position
in a list. Branch type, nodes, value prompts and
entries are the same as for one component under NEW or
ADD. Designated branch and all higher branches move
move up to make room for INSertion.
NAMe NAM NA $ Change existing circuit list filename. Circuit file
REAds and WRItes assume the existing filename or allow
choice of another filename; this command is primarily
for hardcopy outputs so as to show the new filename
prior to any WRIte to disk.
REMark REM RE * Change 47-character Remark line accompanying each
circuit list or output title. Remark line is written
to or read from disk with other circuit list data.
NODe NOD NO N Select NODe of solution. Every NEW circuit or
ADDition to a circuit, MODification of branch value,
INSert of a new branch, DELetion of an old branch,
REAd-in of a circuit from disk will always make the
highest node in a circuit as the node of solution.
DBR DB D Change reference voltage for 0 db on all outputs.
Default at LINEA start is 1 Volt. Does not affect
solution voltage, only decibel value equivalent to
solution voltage.
FREquency -or- First Command Word to select frequency limits, first
FRE FR F or second word to select frequency-voltage output
type. At LINEA start there are no frequency limits.
IMPedance -or- First or second word to select frequency-impedance
IMP IM Z output.
TIMe TIM TI T First word to select time limits of a time-voltage
waveform reconstruct, first or second word to select
waveform output type. At LINEA start there are no
time limits.
SPEctrum -or- First or second word to select output type of a
SPE SP S repetitive waveform coefficient spectrum.
LINEA - Page 13 of 71
ENVelope -or- First or second word to select output type of
ENV EN E envelope of an RF waveform reconstruct. Envelope is
equivalent to output of a linear, full-wave detector
having a positive-going output.
WAVeform WAV WA ~ 'Shell' command to invoke WAVESPEC, an auxilliary
program used to describe a repetitive waveform.
PRInt PRI PR P First or second word of an output to select printed,
tabulated solution values.
PLOt PLO PL = First or second word of an output to select ASCII-
character plot equivalents.
MARgin MAR Select margins for hardcopy; 1 to 7 characters left
margin (5 is default), 1 to 6 lines top and bottom
equally (3 is default). Margins do not appear on
screen displays.
SETtings SET SE Convenience screen display to show user the current
circuit filename, circuit creation time/date,
circuit Remarks, current time, node of solution,
open circuit branches (if any), frequency sweep
limits, 0 db reference voltage, time reconstruct
limits, and Drive:\Directory for circuit or solution
reads or writes.
DATe DAT Current computer time and date. Convenience only;
computer time and date are resettable only from DOS
PRInt or PLOt must be combined with FREquency, IMPedance, TIMe, SPEctrum or
ENVelope to achieve a solution output. Each group may be in either order
as long as the two words are separated by at least one space. To obtain an
IMPedance PLOt, any of the following two-word combinations can be used:
PL Z Z =
For user convenience, the following three-letter acronyms may also be used
for an output, requiring only one Command word:
PRF - Print tabulation of voltage over frequency.
PRZ - Print tabulation of impedance over frequency.
PRT - Print tabulation of time-reconstruct voltage.
PRS - Print tabulation of waveform coefficient spectrum.
PRE - Print tabulation of time-reconstruct envelope.
PLF - Plot voltage over frequency, ASCII-character plot.
PLZ - Plot impedance over frequency, ASCII-characters.
PLT - Plot time-reconstruct voltage, ASCII-characters.
LINEA - Page 14 of 71
PLS - Plot waveform spectrum, ASCII-characters.
PLE - Plot time-reconstruct envelope, ASCII-characters.
Printer-directed output is formatted for the 8.5 x 11 inch North American
standard page size, expecting 85 columns per page horizontal ("10 Pitch" or
ten characters per inch) and 66 lines per page vertical (6 lines per inch).
Top and bottom page margins, left margin are selected via the "MAR" main
command. Top and bottom margins (equal) are selectable from 1 to 6 lines,
3 line margin (half inch) being default at LINEA start. Left margin is
selectable 1 to 7 characters/columns, 5 characters (half inch) being
default at LINEA start.
Pagination of "Page nn of mm" is done at the bottom right of each page and
"...continued from Page nn" at the top left of each page after the first
page. The first page always begins with a title bearing circuit filename,
when circuit was created (or last changed), remarks, current time and date,
any circuit branches which are set open.
Margins and the "...continued" identification are omitted from screen
displays and "Page nn of mm" only appears on screen if an output or circuit
list goes beyond a single page. Top and bottom margins (always equal)
allow the following number of solution data lines per page:
Margin Lines 1st Page Data Lines 2nd, subsequent Pages' Lines
1 52 55
2 50 53
3 48 51 <- default
4 46 49
5 44 47
6 42 45
The "character plot" technique is an old method of making a graph
equivalent using only printer characters as data and graph marks. It is
also the fastest and most equipment-versatile, requiring only that a
printer support ASCII characters.
LINEA outputs plot graphs having 6 major divisions, 60 minor divisions,
'rotated' a quarter turn so that the lowest frequency or shortest time is
at page top, amplitude increasing from left to right. Every line is
identified by frequency or time.
Major graph divisions are identified by a plus sign. Any data plot
character will override a graph division character. The prime data
character is an asterisk, secondary a colon, tertiary is an up-arrow.
If, for one plot point, characters are at the same plot location, the prime
character predominates. If the prime character location is calculated to
be beyond the scale extremes, a left or right arrow mark at appropriate
left or right limit lines indicates overscale.
LINEA - Page 15 of 71
Data location is very close to the physical center of a character. The
center of a colon character is mid-way between the two marks. Group Delay
is shown by an up-arrow and the _point_ of the up-arrow is significant.
Group Delay is the derivative of phase divided by derivative of radian
frequency; the point of the arrow is approximately mid-way between each
frequency, thus corresponding to approximate frequency of delay.
Every solution's plot output is scanned for minimum and maximum, those
minima and maxima shown as a screen prompt. Users have a choice to accept
those extremes as the scale limits or to enter desired limits. Pressing
_only_ the <Enter> key after the prompt accepts the solution's extremes as
scale limits.
Phase-angle scale limits are slightly different. Default values of phase-
angle plot extremes are -180 and +180 degrees for Frequency-voltage and
Time-related output. A user may select any other phase-angle limits or
accept those as shown. Selected phase angle limits will remain until
Impedance plots are selectable polar (default) or rectangular. Polar form
impedance plot has the prime data mark signifying impedance magnitude,
secondary data mark signifying impedance phase-angle. Entered impedance
phase-angle plot limits remain only for that particular impedance plot.
Rectangular form impedance plot has prime mark indicating Real/Resistive
part, secondary mark indicating Imaginary/Reactive part.
All plot outputs have the scale limit values at the header of each page.
Limits can be reversed left-for-right by reversing the order of limit
If a re-plot of the same solution is desired with different scale limits of
some parameter, it may be done without delay. Solutions are stored
internally and re-plotting/re-printing may be done immediately without
waiting for a new solution.
Every circuit solution requires all circuit branches to be mathematically
analyzed at each solution frequency. With large circuits, this may take
many seconds. To indicate this is in process, "Working!" is displayed on
the screen, preceded by a 'rotating twiddle character' that appears to turn
in 45-degree increments for every frequency. After the last frequency's
circuit analysis is completed, both of these indicators disappear.
Both indicators are also shown for time solution-reconstruction.
All solutions may be stored on disk. All files generated by LINEA are the
functional equivalent of ASCII files. Other programs may be used to parse
the characters for any other tabulation or plot format. A full description
of disk file data fields is given in the Appendix.
LINEA - Page 16 of 71
Entering F, FR, or FRE at the Main Command prompt without a second word
will invoke a prompt of:
Frequency Limits [Hz] (min,max,delta):
"min" and "max" are self-explanatory, but "delta" has two possibilities: A
positive delta entry is the linear frequency increment while a negative
delta entry refers to the _total_ number of logarithmic-increment
Entering "99K,101K,-17" would mean a log-sweep of 17 total frequencies
starting at 99 KHz and ending at 101 KHz.
An entry of "99K,101K,100" would mean a total of 21 linear-increment
frequencies starting at 99 KHz and ending at 101 KHz.
Maximum number of frequencies is 200, regardless of linear or logarithmic
increment. LINEA checks for that and prompts if entry is incorrect. LINEA
will accept a 0 minimum frequency (DC) if the delta is positive/linear, but
will not accept a 0 minimum frequency if the delta is negative/logarithmic.
If the delta entry is 0, regardless of whatever else is entered for minimum
and maximum, the "frequency" is DC. For all other conditions of delta,
minimum and maximum frequencies must be positive.
Frequency limits may be set at the Main Command level by entering "F
<limits>" where <limits> is the min-max-delta. This single-line short form
of command requires only that one or more spaces are between the "F" and
the first character of "<limits>;" also, the three data items of <limits>
are separated by commas, semicolons, or forward-slants, not spaces. It is
also possible to select a DC solution from the Main Command prompt by
entering "FREquency DC" or just "F DC".
A repetitive waveform stimulus is a set of 200 Fourier coefficients
representing the time-to-frequency transform of a described waveform. The
waveform at any selected node is done by a frequency-to-time transform, a
Time Limits entry setting the start, stop, and incremental times of that
reverse transform.
Either start or stop parameter may be a negative or positive value,
provided that stop is always more positive than start. A zero or negative
increment is not allowed.
The number of total time increments is limited to 800, a value imposed by
the internal variable arrays used in reconstructing the waveform. 800
increments require 16 print pages at default margin setting.
Time limits may also be entered as two words at the Main Command level with
the entry "T <limits>", same entry rules as with frequency limits.
LINEA - Page 17 of 71
Any node in a circuit may be selected as the "measuring point" for a
solution. Selection of a new node of solution will cause it to remain;
however, after every ADD or NEW circuit completion, INSert new branch,
DELete old branch, or REAd in of another circuit, the node of solution is
reset to the highest node in the circuit. If in doubt of the node of
solution, a user can use the SET command to see which node is the current
node of solution.
Node of solution may be set as a single-line command at Main Command level
by entering "N <node-number>".
Frequency-voltage outputs give both node voltage directly and in decibels
relative to a zero-db reference voltage. At LINEA start, this reference
voltage is 1. It may be reset at any time and will remain at that voltage
reference until changed again. A zero or negative reference voltage is not
Zero-db reference voltage may be given at Main Command by the single entry
of "D <voltage>".
Every single branch or an entire macromodel may be "switched" open or
closed, functionally the same as disconnecting and reconnecting a physical
component. An OPEned branch remains in the circuit list but is not solved.
CLOsing an open branch will restore it to solution with the rest of the
As an example, consider a circuit having a load resistor. It may be
desireable to solve for the impedance looking into the load end, without
the load resistor. An easy way to do that is to OPEn the load resistor
branch, then request an impedance solution at that node. The load resistor
may be reconnected with a simple CLOse command for that branch. OPEns and
CLOses do not affect the circuit list order, type, nodes, or values.
Single-line Main Commands may be "O <branch>" for OPEn, or
"C <branch>" for CLOse. "<branch>" is either the branch order number or
the full type description (see circuit entry for differentiation,
OPEning an open branch or CLOsing a closed branch have no effect.
A reminder: 'Open' and 'close' of branch components has NO relation to
computer files.
LINEA - Page 18 of 71
The single command word, "NEW," at Main Command will begin a new circuit
list, starting at branch 1. All old circuit list data (if any) will be
The single command word, "ADD," or "AD," or just "A" at Main Command will
allow new branches to be added to an existing circuit list, beginning with
the next higher branch order following the last branch.
If there is no circuit data, the command ADD will also begin a new circuit
list, starting at branch 1.
Every branch entry begins with a type description. This is followed by
node connection data, finally by branch component values. Once branch data
has been fully entered, branch entry begins again with the next branch.
Branch entry continues until "END," "EN," "E," "ND," or "N" is entered for
a branch type, signifying completion of a circuit list.
Branch type descriptions allow up to 8 characters per branch. The minimum
_first_ letters for electrical type identification are shown in the
comprehensive branch descriptions following. Those minimums are from 1 to
3 alphabetic characters. The remaining characters may be used for
reference designations or whatever the user wishes. As an example, a
single resistor branch will be identified as to type by just the single
first letter "R." Entering "RESISTOR," "R-123," "R_LOAD," or just "R"
would all signify a single resistor branch for the purposes of completing a
branch entry. The _entire_ type description may be used for designating a
branch for some action.
Main Commands OPEn, CLOse, MODify, DELete, and INSert require designation
of a particular branch. Designator "<branch>" for those commands may be
either the branch number or the full type description.
LINEA parses the first character of a "<branch>" designator entry. If that
character is alphabetic, the entire circuit list is searched for a match
between "<branch>" and the type description; if there is a match, then the
circuit branch number has been reached. If that character is numeric, the
designator is assumed to call out the circuit branch number directly.
Since most circuit analyses concentrate on only a few components of a
circuit, it is probably easier to enter "OPEN R_LOAD" to open that branch
rather than entering "OPEN 109" (assuming R_LOAD was branch number 109).
A single-line Main Command "MOD <branch>" allows changing just the values
of that branch. Type description and nodes remain intact. MODify command
will not work with macromodels. The finish of a MODify will reset the
circuit creation time and date to that when the MODify took place.
LINEA - Page 19 of 71
A single-line Main Command "DEL <branch>" will remove the branch at
designator "<branch>."
This may present some slight difficulty if the DELeted branch is the
dependent branch of a dependent current source. LINEA does a circuit check
of each circuit after an Edit command. If LINEA finds an improper
dependent branch relation, the dependent branch is automatically switched
open, and a warning message to that effect displayed on the screen. Such
an automatic Open cannot be CLOsed until the dependent branch exists in
proper form.
If a DELeted branch is the only link between two parts of circuit, one part
having a stimulus and the node of solution being in the other part,
solution analysis will stop and a warning message shown, citing that
DELeting any branch number within a macromodel will cause the _entire_
macromodel to be deleted.
After a DELetion, all higher-order branches will move down to fill in the
empty branch space. If any of the moved-down branches contain a dependent
branch, the dependent branch number of a dependent current source will be
automatically changed to the new number. The finish of a DELetion will
also reset the node of solution to the highest node in the remaining
circuit and reset the circuit creation time to the time of DELetion.
The Main Command single-line command is "INS <branch>". The designated
branch and all higher branches will be moved up in the circuit list to make
room for the INSertion. LINEA will issue a prompt for the inserted branch
type and nodes. Once the branch type is known (it may be a macromodel with
many branches), the list movement will take place.
If one of the moved branches is the dependent branch of a dependent current
source, the dependent branch number of that dependent source will be
automatically adjusted to be the new branch number. The finish of an
INSertion will reset the node of solution to the highest node in the new
circuit and reset the circuit creation time to the time of INSertion.
Every single component is called a "branch." Every connection point is
called a "node." Every branch is connected between two nodes. Node zero
is common-ground-earth to the entire circuit. Non-zero nodes must be
contiguous. A branch may not have each end connected to the same node.
There is no limit to the number of branches connected between the same two
nodes. There is no restriction to the ordering of branches in any circuit;
branches may be located anywhere in a listing.
Node location makes no difference to the final solution although it may
have some effect on speed of solution execution; more of that in
explanation of the sample circuits distributed with the LINEA program set.
LINEA - Page 20 of 71
As a practical matter, node ordering is best when following the general
flow of a schematic diagram; that makes for easier interpretation of a
circuit list at a later date.
Branch and node arrangement closely follows conventional theoretical
analysis techniques. LINEA expands single component per branch theoretical
concept to include parallel R-L and parallel R-C, series R-L and series R-C
branches. While this is more for user convenience, in the physical world
every component contains combinations of resistance, capacitance, and
inductance. In LINEA, each resistance is a pure resistance, each
capacitance is a pure capacitance, and each inductance is a pure
Current flow in LINEA is provided by current sources. Every current source
is assumed to be the theoretical type having an infinite source impedance.
There are no voltage sources in LINEA. A theoretical voltage source has
zero source impedance. A voltage source may be approximated by a current
source in parallel with a very low resistance. This is no problem with the
large magnitude range of LINEA's numeric calculation...a MegaAmpere current
source in parallel with a microOhm resistor would create a very 'stiff'
one-volt source...such would be numerically and theoretically correct
despite the impractical-seeming combination.
Current sources come in two varieties, "independent" and "dependent."
Independent current sources are the stimuli or the fixed sources. Note:
ALL stimuli are _always_ at the same frequency in LINEA.
Dependent current sources are dependent on the voltage across a branch or
the current through a branch. More on those in the later section on
dependent current sources.
In this version of LINEA, there are four macromodels. These are always
made up of contiguous branches, are always handled by commands as if they
were a single branch.
LINEA - Page 21 of 71
All of the following branch type descriptions may be found in short form in
the Appendix and included in the HELP display within LINEA. All TYPE
letter combinations are shown in all-capitals to emphasize the _letters_
required; users may enter letters of either case or even mixed case,
provided they are the correct letters. Circuit Lists will always show
branch types in all-capitals.
TYPE Description
---------- --------------------------------------------
R RE RES = Single pure resistance
C CA CAP = Single pure capacitance
L IN IND = Single pure inductance
LQ = Single inductance with specified Q; Q is constant over
frequency. Q is modelled as a loss resistance in series
with inductance. Loss resistance is magnitude of
inductive reactance divided by Q.
CQ = Single capacitance with specified Q; Q is constant over
frequency. Q is modelled as a loss resistance in
parallel with capacitance. Loss resistance is the
magnitude of capacitive reactance divided by Q.
SRL = Series R and L.
SRC = Series R and C.
PRC = Parallel R and C.
PRL = Parallel R and L.
E EN END = Non-branch. Signifies end of circuit listing.
B BA BAK = Non-branch. Entered by itself (no nodes), causes listing
to back up to the previous branch for re-entry. Used for
correcting errors made in previous branch entry.
At DC all inductors assume a resistance of 1 microOhm and all capacitors
assume an infinite resistance.
All passive branch values are normally entered as _positive_ quantities. A
negative value may be entered at the user's discretion. Negative entries
of inductance or capacitance will result in the same magnitude of reactance
LINEA - Page 22 of 71
over frequency but the signs of those reactances are reversed. This is
useful in modelling certain theoretical circuit equivalents.
TYPE Description
--------- -----------------------------------------------
SI SIG = "Signal generator" stimulus, specified by current in
Amperes and phase-angle in degrees (optional) for
frequency solutions. For time solutions with repetitive
waveforms, phase-angle is ignored and the entered current
is the peak value of the described waveform.
DC IDC = Direct current source. Active _only_ when the frequency
is zero (DC).
Independent current sources are automatically ignored during an impedance
All current sources have infinite source impedance. Voltage across the
nodes of any current source depends on the voltage drop through all other
branches connected across the current source nodes. A "stiff" voltage
source may be created by a high-current source in parallel with a low-value
resistance; source impedance of this "stiff" voltage source is that of the
low-value resistance.
Current flow in LINEA is assumed equal to _electron_flow_. Current flow
_within_ all current sources is from "plus node" to "minus node" if the
entered current value is positive. Entering a negative value of current or
current gain reverses the current flow.
Node entry order of all passive branches is irrelevant...except for
dependent branches of a dependent current sources.
LINEA has two types: GMS or transconductance-specified ('gm') dependent
current source, and HFS or current-gain-specified ('hfe') dependent current
source. Current is dependent on the voltage across a dependent branch
(type GMS) or the current through a dependent branch (type HFS). Dependent
branches may be any passive branch type located anywhere in the circuit;
they may not be a current source.
TYPE Description
---------- -----------------------------------------------
G GM GMS = Transconductance-specified current source. Current
depends on the specified transconductance ('gm') times
the voltage across the nodes of a specified dependent
branch. Transconductance is specified in mhos,
transconductance being the derivative of current divided
by derivative of voltage. Current is then proportional
to the voltage across a dependent branch.
LINEA - Page 23 of 71
H HF HFS = Current-gain-specified ('hfe') current source. Current
depends on the specified current gain times the current
through the dependent branch.
Note: "hfe" is not conventional notation for
current gain, being the hybrid parameter of
collector current versus base current gain of a
common-emitter transistor; it is used due to
limitations of ASCII not allowing subscripts.
"hfe" to most circuit designers is fairly well
synonymous with current gain.
Current flow in circuits with dependent current sources is illustrated
Plus node Plus nodes
o +e o ------------------o
| | | /|\
| | | Current | |
Rd -> GMS | Within Rm |
| | \|/ GMS | Current
| | | through
o -e o ------------------o Rm
Minus node Minus nodes
Dependent Type GMS Dependent Current Source
Branch with connected resistor Rm
Voltage drop across Rm is in-phase with voltage across Rd. Exchanging Plus
and Minus nodes of the GMS or dependent branch Rd will reverse current
through the GMS and through Rm. Exchanging Plus and Minus nodes of _both_
GMS and the dependent branch, Rd, will have current through the GMS and
through Rm as shown. Entering a negative transconductance value for the
GMS will also reverse current flow of the GMS.
If there are several branches connected to the same nodes as the dependent
branch, GMS current magnitude is dependent on the total impedance magnitude
across the dependent branch nodes...but GMS current direction is still
dependent on the Plus and Minus node entry of the dependent branch.
Plus node Plus nodes
o o-------------------o
| | | /|\
| /|\ | | Current | |
Rd | -> HFS | Within Rm |
| | | \|/ HFS | Current
| Current thru | | through
o dependent o-------------------o Rm
Minus branch Minus nodes
Dependent Type HFS Dependent Current Source
Branch with connected resistor Rm
LINEA - Page 24 of 71
Current through Rm is in-phase with current through Rd. Exchanging Plus
and Minus nodes of the HFS or dependent branch Rd will reverse current
through the GMS and through Rm. Exchanging Plus and Minus nodes of _both_
HFS and the dependent branch, Rd, will have the current through HFS and Rm
as shown. Current flow in the HFS may also be reversed by entering a
negative value of current gain.
If several branches are connected to the same nodes of the dependent
branch, HFS current magnitude is dependent _only_ on the current through
the dependent branch...but HFS current direction is dependent on the node
entry order for the dependent branch.
Macromodels use 3 to 5 branches, branches _always_ being contiguous in any
TYPE Description
---------- ---------------------------------------------
Z ZL ZLN = Unbalanced transmission line equivalent macromodel;
uses 3 branch spaces, requires 3 nodes (input, output,
common). Specified by characteristic impedance,
velocity of propagation, length in inches, and
decibels of loss per 100 feet.
T TR TRF = Two-winding ideal transformer having specified
coefficient of coupling between 0.01 and 0.99, DC
isolation between windings. Uses 4 branch spaces,
requires 4 nodes maximum (2 each for primary, secondary).
Specified by primary winding inductance, turns ratio of
primary winding to secondary winding, and coefficient of
One node of primary, one node of secondary may be
common, if desired.
Q QT QTR = Bipolar transistor, hybrid-pi model. Creates 4
branches, requires 3 nodes (base, emitter, collector).
Specified by: hfe or base-to-collector current gain;
Ft, cutoff frequency; Ic, average value of collector
current; Hoe, collector conductance in mhos.
Model does not include base spreading resistance, Rbb.
Model makes no distinction between PNP or NPN.
O OP OPA = Operational Amplifier. Creates 5 branches, requires
4 nodes (non-inverting input, inverting input, output,
common). Specified by: DC open-loop voltage gain in db;
Fc, or "corner frequency", the break-point of open-loop
gain where gain begins to decrease at a rate of 20 db per
decade; R-input, equivalent resistance of each input,
both assumed to have equal resistance; R-output, source
resistance of output.
Common node is common to both inputs as well as
LINEA - Page 25 of 71
Two-winding isolated transformer macromodel is modelled as:
Primary o----o-----o o----o-----o Secondary
+ node | | | | - node
Lp HFSp < Ls HFSs
| | | |
Primary o----o-----o o----o-----o Seconday
- node \ + node
- - - - > - - - -^
Lp' = Calculated primary inductance.
Ls' = Calculated secondary inductance.
HFSp = Current-gain dependent current source dependent on
current through Ls.
HFSs = Current-gain dependent current source dependent on
current through Lp.
with internal values:
Lp = Entered primary inductance.
N = Entered turns ratio, primary to secondary.
Ls = Secondary inductance calculated from primary inductance
divided by square of N.
K = Coefficient of coupling (entered)
Lp' = Lp x (1 - (K²))
Ls' = Ls x (1 - (K²))
Hfe of HFSp = -(K / N) <- [dependent branch is Ls]
Hfe of HFSs = -(K x N) <- [dependent branch is Lp]
DC isolation is a relative term here. Inductors have a 1 microOhm
resistance at DC to avoid an error-crash in the analysis-solution routine.
While that is a very low impedance, it will show up as a small, small
"leakage" of signal from primary to secondary and vice versa at DC.
One primary node may be common to one secondary node in the circuit list.
The orientation of secondary nodes is purposely chosen to yield a voltage
polarity of the same sign as voltage across the primary.
Unbalanced transmission line macromodel is a pi-form having the same
attenuation at every frequency. Macromodel attenuation is internally
computed from the ratio of specified length to the loss per 100 feet. Loss
per 100 feet is a common specification for transmission lines and may be
taken directly from manufacturer's data. User must compensate for loss
varying over frequency. Lengths in meters must be converted to inches;
legal USA conversion is 2.54 centimeters = inch.
LINEA - Page 26 of 71
Open-line sections ('half-wave' resonant lines) may be created by having
the "output" node isolated from all other branches; in effect, that would
create the equivalent of an open end. 'Quarter-wave shorted stubs' are
simulated by connecting a very low resistance branch to the output node.
The created bipolar transistor hybrid-pi model is as follows:
Base node Collector node
o------*------- --------*------o
| | | |
| | | |
Cb'e Rb'e -> HFS (1/Hoe)
| | | |
| | | |
o Emitter node
Hfe = base-to-collector current gain at Ic
Ft = cutoff frequency
Ic = average collector current
Hoe = collector-emitter output conductance
HFS is dependent on Rb'e branch current with current
gain equal to Hfe such that collector voltage is
at opposite phase relative to base voltage.
Rb'e = (Hfe x 0.027) / Ic
Cb'e = 1 / (Ft x 2pi x Rb'e)
Hybrid-pi models usually have an additional resistance, Rbb, "base
spreading resistance," in series with the Rb'e-Cb'e junction and external
base node. Rbb is not readily calculated since it is subject to variations
in design and type of the base junction rather than operating parameters.
If no Rbb value is known, a suggestion is to use a value equal to or
slightly larger than Rb'e.
An added Rbb external to the macromodel can also include an independent DC
current source (IDC) to create the Vbe diode junction voltage. However,
the IDC current must be chosen to fit a PNP or NPN transistor; the bipolar
transistor macromodel is neither PNP nor NPN type. An IDC branch is active
_only_ at DC, ignored otherwise.
LINEA - Page 27 of 71
The equivalent operational amplifier macromodel is as follows:
+Input node Output node
o--- ------*-----*----- -----*----o
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
Rin -> GMS+ GMS- Cfc Rfc -> GMSo Rout
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| _ |
| /| |
Rin -> o
| Common node
o--- GMS+ dependent on Rin at +Input;
-Input node GMS- dependent on Rin at -Input with
gm negative;
GMSo dependent on Rfc
Av = open-loop voltage gain
Fc = 'corner frequency' or 'breakpoint' where Av
magnitude begins to decrease 20 db per decade.
Rfc = 1 Ohm
gm+ = transconductance of GMS+ = 1
gm- = transconductance of GMS- = -1
gmo = transconductance of GMSo = Av / Rout
Cfc = 1 / (Fc x 2pi)
The center of this op-amp macromodel is a summing point for the current
analogue to the non-inverting and inverting voltage inputs. It also
modifies the DC open-loop gain over frequency. Output is a current
analogue of the voltage at this center, summing 'node', multiplied by Av
and divided by output source resistance.
LINEA simplifies this model by reducing 8 branches to only 5, using
mathematical equivalents to the center summing node and output GMS. Each
input node still 'sees' only R-input and the output node still has Rout.
The break-point frequency is found in manufacturer's data sheets. Most op-
amp ICs have more than one breakpoint frequency, the first somewhere around
or below 1 KHz, others about a decade or two higher. Any higher than the
first can be simulated by creating an external GMS-R-C cluster. Modelling
additional breakpoints are explained in Model Tips and Hints later in this
"Input resistances" are seldom specified for op-amp ICs. Their existance
in the macromodel is required for internal mathematical analysis-solution
of dependent current sources. An approximation can be done by entering a
very high resistance value. Since the exponent range of non-integer
numbers in LINEA is very large, a high, seemingly-impractical value will
not disturb analysis-solution calculation.
LINEA - Page 28 of 71
This is a step-by-step procedure on entering circuit components in LINEA.
The process begins after entering "NEW" at the Main Command level. Note
that ALL input to any one prompt is considered a "data word;" that is, one
or more data items within the word must be separated by commas, semicolons,
or forward-slants, no spaces. There is no need to memorize any special
order of data entry; prompts for all items are self-explanatory.
The first prompt will be:
Branch 1, Type, Plus-node, Minus-node:
The user has a choice on input, Type description alone or Type description
with the Plus and Minus nodes. Assume that RESISTOR was entered by itself,
no node numbers. This results in another prompt:
Branch 1, Type "RESISTOR" Plus-node, Minus-node:
With the second prompt, the user gets verification that RESISTOR was indeed
the Type description (LINEA supplies the double quotes around RESISTOR).
LINEA requires _some_ kind of numerical data in response and will keep
requesting until it gets something. Let's say that the Plus node was 2 and
the Minus node was 3. Response to the prompt would be simply "2,3".
Supplying all three data items would have an entry to the first prompt of
If a mistake was made in entry and it became "RESISTOR,2,2", then LINEA
would recognize that both nodes were equal and the screen would show:
Nodes may not be equal, please re-enter.
Branch 1, Type, Plus-node, Minus-node:
Let's assume that entry was good, that the Type description is RESISTOR,
the Plus node is 2, and the Minus node is 3. The next prompt would be for
the Value:
Resistor value [Ohms]:
Let's say the value is 4700 Ohms. Scaling letters can be used and an entry
can be "4.7K". Or, E-format can be used for an entry of "47E2" or "4.7E3".
Or simply "4700". Whichever format is easiest for the user is fine with
Completion of Value entry results in a prompt for the next branch:
Branch 2, Type, Plus-node, Minus-node:
Note that the branch number has been incremented in the prompt. This
incrementation will repeat until the list is terminated or after it has
LINEA - Page 29 of 71
completed Branch 200. Maximum number of branches in LINEA is 200.
To end the circuit list entry at any time, just enter END or EN or E or ND
or N for the Type description, no node numbers. List entry will terminate
with a prompt showing the total number of branches and the node of solution
being the highest node in the circuit list...then return to Main Command
Suppose that the resistor value should have been 47 KOhms instead of 4.7
KOhms and this mistake is seen. To correct it quickly, just enter "BAK" or
"BA" or "B" and the list entry 'backs up' to the previous branch's prompt
for Type and Nodes. Re-entering everything is required.
A mistake in Value entry could be corrected later by the MODify command...
but that requires a note to oneself to do so. Going back one branch is
easy enough to do now and corrects the entry immediately, allowing
concentration on entering all the other branches in the list.
The same Type and Nodes prompt is issued for every branch; LINEA doesn't
know what Values are required until the Type Description is entered. For
example, suppose the branch was type LQ, a single inductor with specified
Quality factor. After completion of Type and Nodes entry, the Value prompt
would be:
Inductance value [Henries], Q [Units]:
Suppose the inductance was 56 microhenries with a Q of 70. The data word
entry would be "56u,70".
Note the _lower_case_ "u" for 'micro'. Scaling Letters in entry must use
lower case for multipliers less than unity, upper case for greater than
If there was a mistake made and one Value was not entered, LINEA would
detect that and issue the error message:
Caution: One or both values zero, please re-enter
...and then return to the Value entry prompt for that branch. That same
"zero" caution would appear with single-value branches if the single Value
entry was zero. LINEA expects _something_ in the Value and keeps prompting
until it is entered.
LINEA has a built-in 'shortcut' to allow entry of everything about simple
branches on one line. Once the user becomes acquainted with Value entry
order, Values can be entered as part of the data word following the Type
and Nodes data items. For illustration, suppose the two previous examples
were connected to the same nodes; the screen display would look like:
Branch 1, Type, Plus-node, Minus-node: RESISTOR,2,3,4700
LINEA - Page 30 of 71
Branch 2, Type, Plus-node, Minus-node: LQ,2,3,56u,70
It should be emphasized that users should not try this until they are
familiar with the Value entry order. It is easy to mix up two values...but
the Type description and Value entry order match...L is first, Q is second
in an LQ. In both kinds of R-L and R-C combinations, Resistance Value is
always first.
Whether the Type description is GMS or HFS, the second Value data item is
_always_ the dependent branch identification. This identification can be
done either by dependent branch's Branch Number or by its entered Type
If the Type Description is used for identification, then it is required
that the dependent branch should have additional characters to make it
distinctive; the minimum Type Description entry might be repeated the same
way in several circuit list locations. For example, suppose an HFS has a
current gain of 1 and it is dependent on a resistor in Branch 6 which has
the Type Description of "R-78". The screen display of Value prompt and
subsequent keyboard entry would like:
Current Gain [Units], Dependent Branch No.: 1,R-78
Current Gain [Units], Dependent Branch No.: 1,6
Either form of entry is correct.
LINEA checks the data of every branch after Circuit Entry termination.
Dependent branches must be passive types and they must exist in the circuit
list; if incorrect, an error message is made and the dependent current
source is switched open. Should that error happen, the MODify command can
be used to correct the dependent branch identification.
Value prompt for a SIG Branch Type is:
Signal-source cur.[Amps], phase-angle [Deg]:
Phase angle does not have to be entered. Omitting it will make the phase
angle zero. A circuit list may have more than one SIG and each one may
have a different current magnitude and phase angle; all stimuli are
"locked" frequency-phase, so phase angles are relative to one another.
Current magnitude _and_ phase angle applies only to frequency-voltage
solutions. For time solutions, current magnitude entry is equal to the
peak current of a waveform. Any phase angle entry is ignored for time
On output of a circuit list, the display will be as if the circuit had a
frequency-voltage solution; i.e., magnitude and phase-angle. A zero phase-
angle will not be displayed, only assumed.
LINEA - Page 31 of 71
Only the Type Description of a macromodel is required at the Type and Nodes
prompt. Once the Type Description is entered, a second prompt for specific
nodes for that macromodel is given. For illustration, let's assume a
Bipolar Transistor called "Q67" is to be entered beginning at Branch number
5 with Base node at 8, Emitter node at 9, and Collector node at 10. The
screen display of prompts and entries might look like:
Branch 5, Type, Plus-node, Minus-node: Q67
Base, Emitter, Collector nodes: 8,9,10
If the LINEA user is familiar with node entry order, the one-line
'shortcut' method can be used. The screen display of prompt and entry
might look like:
Branch 5, Type, Plus-node, Minus-node: Q67,8,9,10
Either form is correct for LINEA. Once all the nodes have been entered,
the first set of Values is prompted. There is no further 'shortcut' entry
method for Values of macromodels. Users have to follow the prompts.
Node entry order for other macromodels is as follows:
Transformer > Primary, Secondary, Primary Return, Sec. Return nodes
Transmission Line > Input, Output, Common nodes
Op-Amp > Non-inverting Input, Inverting Input, Output, Common nodes
Note that while the transformer macromodel is designed for DC isolation,
one node of the primary and one node of the secondary may be the same node.
The Transmission Line macromodel is entirely passive. "Input" and "Output"
labels only serve as identification.
Individual macromodel branch data is not immediately available.
Macromodels are described and listed in parameters which apply to the
entire macromodel. These parameters are:
Transmission Line
* Characteristic Impedance in Ohms.
* Velocity of Propagation (if entered zero, defaults to
* Length in inches (If length is Metric, users must convert
convert prior to entry, using legal conversion of one
inch equals 2.54 centimeters)
* Attenuation per 100 foot length (obtained from cable
tables or handbooks)
If the attenuation of the entered line length is known, user
should enter Attenuation-per-100-feet as known-attenuation
LINEA - Page 32 of 71
multiplied by 1200. There is no compensation of attenuation
variation with frequency; users must limit frequency-sweep
range for accurate attenuation effects.
Ideal Transformer
* Primary Inductance
* Turns ratio, primary to secondary
* Coefficient of coupling
Coefficient of coupling is limited to a range of 0.01 to 0.99.
Bipolar Transistor
* Hfe, forward current gain, common-emitter (at Ic)
* Ft, cutoff frequency (at Ic)
* Ic, average DC collector current
* Hoe, collector conductance, mhos, common-emitter (at Ic)
Collector current DC value must be entered even if the Base
bias network is described in the circuit. LINEA does not
"set" the DC collector current from any DC bias network.
Operational Amplifier
* Open-loop Voltage Gain in Decibels
* "Corner" frequency where 20 db slope per decade voltage
reduction intersects open-loop voltage gain.
* Input resistance, assumed identical for both inputs.
* Output source resistance.
Enter "LIS" or "LI" or "L" at the Main Command level. The Circuit List
will appear headed by a title display. For long lists, the Pause key may
have to be pressed to stop scrolling. Branch information is reasonably
easy to understand without further explanation.
Note: Although all non-integers are stored internally to the equivalent of
15 decimal digits, Value display is rounded-off to no more than 6 decimal
Any OPEned branches will be indicated by the * asterisks * in the spaces
between that branch's data. The last line of the title block also displays
branch numbers of opened branches; if none are switched open, the last line
indicates so.
Dependent branches in a dependent current source List-line are identified
by both list branch number and Type Description, in that order.
LINEA - Page 33 of 71
Make sure the printer is powered on, then enter ON at the Main Command.
The Main prompt changes from "MAIN*>" to "Main->" indicating the output is
directed to the printer. When output is directed to the printer, there is
no screen display for that output. All prompts, messages, entries will
still appear on the screen but circuit lists, print tabulations and plot
graphics are directed to the printer port.
A reminder: LINEA takes care of full printer page formatting. Before
sending anything to the printer, position the paper so that it begins on
the top edge of the paper. The end of a printout will stop at the bottom
of the last page, ready for the next page.
If a printout has been completed and output is to be directed back to the
screen, enter OFF at the "Main->" command prompt. The prompt changes back
to "MAIN*>" and the printer 'pops' one line feed, positioning itself at the
top of the next print page. That 'pop' is a peculiarity in I/O handling of
the MS-FORTRAN runtime package; the last character, usually a line-feed, is
stored internally and will not be sent out until another output is started,
the printer port is closed (OFF command), or LINEA is exited.
The Edit commands are ADD, MODify, DELete, INSert, OPEn, and CLOse. They
are all done from Main Command level. Except for ADD, which re-starts
Circuit Entry immediately after the highest branch in the current list, all
will return to Main Command level when completed.
All Edit commands have been described prior to this section. Except for
ADD, they will require a branch identification. That identification may be
either Branch Number or full Type Description. If the identification is
incorrect, a warning message will be displayed and no further action taken
except a return to Main Command level.
A reminder: Except for OPEns and CLOsures, alterations in the Circuit List
are _final_. Old values and deleted branches cannot be restored. If
versions of a circuit are desired to be kept for comparison, they can be
sent to disk. See Disk Operations for storage and retrieval.
On the "INS <branch>", the <branch> refers to where the new, INSerted
branch will be located. The current <branch> will be moved up in the
circuit list to INSert the new branch. From there, everything is as it was
with Circuit Entry, except that completion of a single branch or macromodel
INSert will return to Main Command level.
When an Edit command identifies a macromodel by Branch Number, it is
possible to call out _any_ of the 3 to 5 branch numbers of that macromodel
or just the Type Designation of the macromodel. LINEA takes care of
LINEA - Page 34 of 71
identification/ordering of a macromodel.
A MODify will not operate with macromodels. INSert, DELete, OPEn, CLOse
will all operate on the _entire_ macromodel.
It may not be desireable to OPEn and CLOse an _entire_ macro-model; it may
be preferred to disconnect/connect just one node. In that case, sacrifice
a branch and node such that a single branch connects that macromodel node
to the rest of the circuit. The single branch could be switched OPEn or
CLOsed to achieve the disconnect/connect of one node.
LINEA has three types of data files, identified by file extension:
.LIN = Circuit Lists
.LNA = Solutions
.LWC = Waveform coefficients.
The file extensions are appended automatically for both reads and writes.
Users need only specify the filename. Filename follows DOS syntax: 8
characters maximum, first letter alphabetic, underline and dash allowed as
symbols, no spaces within filename. DOS itself does error-checking on
filenames; LINEA interprets some DOS error codes to present clear-language
error messages.
All data files have values written in ASCII characters, and are otherwise
indistinguishable from text files. For data field specifications on all
data files, see the Appendix.
At LINEA start, the Drive and Directory for all data files is, by default,
the same Drive and Directory where LINEA itself is located. The user may
specify another location from the Main Command level by entering DRI or
DIR. LINEA will display a prompt for the Drive:\Directory entry showing
the entry length for the Drive:\Directory string between vertical bars.
Use conventional DOS syntax with the Drive:\Directory string; i.e.,
alphanumeric characters, no punctuation, limiting symbols to dashes and
underlines, 8 characters per directory name. The following entry would be
The trailing back-slant delimiter symbol need not be entered...LINEA will
include it if missing. Drive C: and all five directories should already
exist. LINEA will reject all read/write commands to non-existant drives or
Note: To check the disk(s) or to inspect the available directories,
enter "DOS" from Main Command level, then enter "COMMAND" (7 letters)
to stay in the DOS shell. Conventional DOS commands can be used for
inspection or directory creation. When DOS operations are completed,
enter "EXIT" (4 letters) at DOS level to return to LINEA. LINEA has
LINEA - Page 35 of 71
remained in memory, all data intact.
For short Drive:\Directory strings, it is possible to enter everything in
one line at the Main Command level. The preceding example could have been
entered as:
DIR C:\IN1492\COLUMBUS\sailed\ocean\BLUE
Alphabetic character case is not important on entry. Each Drive:\Directory
entry completion has a confirmation prompt repeating the entry in all-
To read in a Circuit file, enter "R <filename>" at Main Command. If no
filename is entered and no circuit list exists, LINEA will prompt for the
filename, the prompt including an 8-character space for the filename.
If a circuit list exists, or did exist, the circuit _filename_ is in
storage and LINEA will display the name, then query whether or not to use
it. The prompt ends with "[Y/n]" and the capitalized "Y" indicates that
depressing the <Enter> key alone will signify a Y for yes. Entering N (no)
to the query displays a prompt for a new filename entry.
When the <filename> entry is completed, the Circuit read is done and a
prompt is shown, indicating "New circuit read in, old circuit discarded."
This is followed by a display of the node of solution, the highest node
number in the circuit.
To write an existing Circuit to a disk file, enter "W <filename>" at the
Main Command level. If the filename is omitted, LINEA will prompt for one
in the same manner as a Read.
Caution: Using the same filename as an existing file will cause the
existing file to be over-written. The only way to save an existing
file is to vary the filename of the Circuit to be written.
When a Circuit Write is completed, control returns to Main Command level
without further reminders or prompts.
Any time a Circuit Value is MODified, or any time a branch is DELeted or
INSerted, that time will be set into the "creation date" of the Circuit.
Creation Date is Read from, and Written to, disk. That is separate from
DOS' own file Write time-stamp; alteration may take place some time before
a new file is written. Creation Date is a convenience for keeping track of
several Circuit versions.
It is also useful to include short notes about a Circuit. The "REM" (also
"*") entry at Main Command level allows writing a 47-character Remarks
string for such notes. The Remarks string can be entered between vertical
bar symbols or directly, using "REM <remarkline>". Depressing the <Enter>
key without entering anything will result in a blank Remarks string.
LINEA - Page 36 of 71
A Remarks string will remain as-is until changed manually or a new Circuit
is read in from disk. A Circuit Read will displace any old Remarks string
with that stored in the file, including any file-stored string which is
Any completed Solution may be SAVed by entering "SAV <filename>" at the
Main Command level. If <filename> is omitted, its entry will be prompted.
Data stored consists of the magnitudes and phase angles over all
frequencies of solution, frequency limits, type of solution (frequency-
voltage, impedance, etc.), time-and-date of solution, and the filename of
the Circuit solved. Solution filenames may be the same as Circuit
filenames; file extensions identify which is which.
A Solution may be retrieved by entering "BRI <filename>" at the Main
Command level. ('BRI' for BRIng back) This restores the solution data and
displays the filename of the Circuit solved (stored by a SAVe). Solutions
may be viewed directly but _conditions_ of analysis-solution may not be
changed; i.e., if a frequency-amplitude solution is brought back, you
cannot request an impedance solution since the circuit itself may be
missing or the circuit does not have the same node maximum. Similarly, you
cannot change the Node of Solution other than what was originally SAVed.
Some care should be exercised with BRIng. You may BRIng back a PLOtted
solution, change scale limits to whatever you want, print out a new PLOt,
even do a PRInt-tabulation. This can be very useful in recording analysis
data or visually comparing solutions, but there is no greater capability of
the function.
Note: A great number of combinations of conditions were tried for
deliberately setting up a program crash situation. None were found but it
might happen if BRIng is used improperly.
The principal reason for Solution storage is to permit external program
data formatting/presentation. Viewing or hardcopying previous solutions is
only the secondary reason.
LINEA does not create repetitive waveforms itself. Creation of waveforms
and writing the resulting Fourier coefficients on disk is done with the
WAVESPEC program, a stand-alone program in the LINEA program set (MWAVSPEC
for Math coprocessor version). Please see the separate section on
WAVESPEC for details of waveform creation.
To begin a waveform description, enter the single command word "WAVe",
"WAV," "WA", or "~" at Main Command. The result is a prompt of "Please
enter WAVESPEC" (or "MWAVSPEC") with the cursor dropping to the next line
with no further prompts. Keying in WAVESPEC will run that program with
LINEA (and all LINEA memory) intact in memory. An exit of WAVESPEC will
automatically return you to LINEA.
Note: Insufficient free RAM in your system will not allow simultaneous
program retention. 384K minimum free RAM space is recommended; if
less than that, WAVESPEC can be run separately.
LINEA - Page 37 of 71
Entering "GET <waveformfilename>" at Main Command will read in an existing
waveform file. If <waveformfilename> is omitted, a prompt will be issued
for the filename. If <waveformfilename> is not in the current drive and
directory(s), LINEA will inform you of that and return to Main Command
level, cancelling any disk operation.
Waveform data is stored in LINEA memory separate from other data. Reading
in a waveform will not disturb any frequency-voltage or impedance
solutions, nor any frequency-sweep or time reconstruction interval
LINEA does not alter waveform files in any way; there is no corresponding
command to write a waveform file. Only WAVESPEC can write a waveform data
LINEA has three major solution forms: Frequency-voltage ('Frequency'),
Impedance, and Repetitive-waveform-Time-related. Frequency-voltage
solutions yield voltage magnitude and phase angle at one selected Circuit
node at each frequency of a specified frequency sweep. Impedance solutions
find the impedance at one selected node at each frequency of a specified
frequency sweep. Frequency sweep is selectable up to a maximum of 200
discrete frequencies.
Repetitive waveforms exist within LINEA as Fourier coefficients, frequency
spectra with each harmonic amplitude and phase being derived by a time-to-
frequency transform. Waveform coefficients become the stimuli for all
time-related solutions. Time-related output is selectable as the spectrum
of coefficients ('Spectra') or through a frequency-to-time transform to
yield the direct waveform ('Time') or envelope of an amplitude-modulated
waveform ('Envelope'). Each waveform will normally have 200 coefficients.
AM-modulated RF waveforms will have +/- 99 sidebands to a carrier
Two forms/format of output are selectable: Tabulation ('Print') of written
values or Graphical ('Plot') equivalent using characters in a simulated
plot. Either output form is available from one solution.
LINEA compares all requested solution-output combinations requested with
previous solution-output combinations, calling the time-consuming
mathematical analysis-solution calculation routine only when required.
Users need only request output and form.
Every parameter kind in a PLOt is scanned for minimum and maximum value,
then displayed with a query as to whether those extremes are to be used as
scale limits. Pressing the <Enter> key without entering anything else will
set solution extremes as scale limits. Entering specific numerical values
will make those values the scale limits.
LINEA - Page 38 of 71
If desired, all PLOt scales can be 'flopped' left-for-right by specifying
scale limits in reverse order.
Specific scale value entries follow the 'data word' rules of LINEA.
Omitting a data item, entering only the separator character (comma,
semicolon, forward-slant), will make that data item zero.
Degree limits for phase angles in Voltage and Time-related PLOts are fixed,
_not_ set by the solution. At LINEA start, those degree limits are -180
and +180 degrees. Degree limits may be set to anything else and will
remain at those settings until changed again.
Either Polar or Rectangular form may be selected for Impedance PLOts (both
forms are tabulated together in PRInts). At the query, pressing <Enter>
key without entering anything else will select Polar form; an "N" for 'no'
must be entered to select Rectangular form.
Polar form _phase_angle_ scale limits are default-set by solution values or
reset by user entry, an exception to the Frequency-Voltage or Time-related
PLOt degree setting rule.
Waveform reconstruction (frequency-to-time transform) is another time-
consuming routine. When that is in process, the screen displays the
Rotatating Twiddle Character and "Working!" as when the analysis-solution
routine is in process. The two are separate routines.
Waveform reconstruction requires only that all coefficients be analyzed-
solved once for any selected node. The frequency-to-time transform depends
on TIMe Limit settings for final output. TIMe Limit setting changes,
without changing the node, will only invoke the transform, not another
It is possible to set TIMe Limits for as many as 800 reconstructed waveform
voltages at any node. That would be 16 pages on the printer, either PRInt
or PLOt.
Only two Main Command words are required, one to select Type, the other to
select Form. They may be in either order. "PRInt FREquency" will yield
the same solution and tabulation as "FREquency PRInt." Or, to simplify
entry, "P F" or "F P." Or a three-letter acronym can substitute for either
double word. "PRF" would be equal to "P F" or "F P", itself
being an acronym for PRint Frequency.
"T <form>" will yield a waveform reconstruct. "S <form>" will output the
frequency coefficients of the waveform as they appear at the selected node.
LINEA - Page 39 of 71
For video waveforms, the first coefficient is always at DC, all subsequent
coefficients at multiples of the repetition frequency.
For amplitude-modulated RF waveform stimulus, "T <form>" yields the _RF_
waveform over time while "E <form>" yields the _modulation_envelope_ over
time. "S <form>" will have coefficients represented by lower and upper
sidebands with RF carrier at mid-point.
Modulation ENVelope is equivalent to monitoring with an infinite-impedance,
linear full-wave detector with positive-going output. This is more
convenient when the RF carrier is much higher than the repetition
For video waveforms, both "T <form>" and "E <form>" yield identical
results. All time-related outputs have time-zero as the beginning of the
repetition period.
If there is a minimum of 384K free RAM in your computer, you can begin
waveform description via WAVESPEC by entering "WAV" at Main Command. The
screen will appear to have the cursor at the next blank line under the
"Enter WAVESPEC to begin description" prompt. Enter "WAVESPEC" (8 letters)
to invoke it; LINEA has moved to protected memory, data intact, and the
keyboard input will be to DOS.
WAVESPEC program commands and operation are given in a separate section of
this documentation.
Waveform data is, so far, only transferrable via waveform data files on
disk. Manual recording of waveform filenames must be done at present.
Waveform data involves considerable information, moreso than simple
frequency sweeps. WAVESPEC has identical PRInt and PLOt functions to ease
some of the recordskeeping.
Quitting WAVESPEC will do an automatic transfer to LINEA, program memory
intact. There is no intermediate step to DOS before transfer.
If free RAM space is limited, WAVESPEC can be run as a stand-alone program,
waveform data files used as the link between WAVESPEC and LINEA.
ASCII-character "plotting" is rather coarse. Quick, yes, but still too
coarse for smooth graphic output. The character plot outputs can made in
sections so that a 2X to 10X larger master can be generated for tracing
finished art. The only requirement is that frequency spacing is continuous
and the scale extremes set to allow amplitude-phase-delay to be continuous.
All scale extremes may be set manually, including reverse, left-for-right
Solution files may be read by an auxilliary program (not included) which
can format data to whatever output device is available. Solution file data
is composed of ASCII characters in generally-decimal format. Records and
data fields are described in the Appendix.
LINEA - Page 40 of 71
It is possible to PRInt and PLOt zero-frequency (DC) output but hardly
necessary to send such output to the printer. A DC-only PRInt or PLOt will
have only one line; manual notation at each node will be as easy as
printing one page for each node.
To set DC-only from Main Command, enter "F DC" or "F 0,0,0".
There are no provisions yet to analyze-solve all nodes at one output.
It is possible to examine the DC stability of transistor bias networks and
the like, but somewhat cumbersome to perform with LINEA. A branch(s) for
base-emitter diode voltage drop must be added and, possibly, an IDC branch
to simulate varying supply voltage to the bias network. MODify edit
functions can vary those values, plus the bias network values to see the
effect of change. It may be that conventional, manual techniques, using a
pocket calculator are quicker and easier.
LINEA doesn't have any way to convert from a symbolic schematic drawing to
a Circuit List. To fully analyze and solve frequency response of a
circuit, you need to convert the components into the nodes and branches
which LINEA will recognize. Most of those branches are simply duplicates
of schematic symbols.
...there was scratch paper. As a suggestion based on others' experiences,
enough paper should be available so that you can redraw schematics, make
notes, and tabulate all the branches before keying a circuit into LINEA>
A few things will not appear the same as either schematic or actual
actual circuit or may require different components. Redrawing the
schematic saves the original diagram.
Node numbering can follow signal flow, low node numbers toward input, high
numbers toward output. That also results, generally, in quicker solution
execution times. LINEA produces the same solution results regardless of
node ordering. One method is to mark redrawn schematics with node numbers
enclosed in a circle, a distinctive marking not usually used as a symbol
except in "Sams Photofact" (tm) schematics.
Passive components can convert readily to single branches. Since LINEA
allows up to 8 characters for type descriptions, you can use conventional
reference designations such as "R-12," "C-5A," and so forth. Follow the
signal flow again, branches beginning at signal input, generally ending at
signal output.
LINEA will check for missing node numbers and display a prompt indicating
LINEA - Page 41 of 71
each one. LINEA won't "crash" but it will stop analysis of the circuit
(error message shown) or result in zero node voltage or impedance. It is
better to organize the node ordering in the beginning to avoid missing node
During the course of analyzing-solving a circuit, a connecting branch may
be manually OPEned. If such an OPEn results in the equivalent of a missing
branch number, analysis may stop with an error message or produce a zero
solution. Again, non-fatal, but it can cause some confusion until the user
understands what was done. It is better to plan ahead and anticipate which
branch openings might result in breaking signal flow.
Overall circuit 'ground' (or 'earth' common) is ALWAYS node 0. Always.
Power supply lines can _also_ be node 0...provided they are well bypassed
to ground in the actual circuit. This is a startling departure from usual
circuit thinking but, considering LINEA does the equivalent of "small-
signal" analysis-solution in frequency domain _only_, quite acceptible.
LINEA doesn't normally set bias, enabling DC control of collector current,
or the like. In "small-signal," frequency-domain analysis, all voltages
are presumed to be linear. There are no provisions for simulating
transistor or diode saturation or cut-off. As far as AC and RF are
concerned, power supply lines are just another common; if well bypassed to
ground, they can BE ground to LINEA.
If there is some doubt as to a supply line's bypassing, use a separate node
or nodes for that line and simulate the bypassing, using series R-C
branches for electrolytics (resistance approximately calculated from an
electrolytic's ESR), possibly even small inductances in series with
It is possible to model a very-high-gain amplifier circuit in LINEA. [over
200 db gain is possible] High-gain amplifiers might have destructive
feedback via inadequate supply line decoupling. LINEA can show such
feedback without simulating the oscillation that would happen with a real-
world circuit.
LINEA branch types LQ and CQ are good for simulating lossy reactances at
RF. For practical programming and memory reasons, Q is the same at every
frequency except DC. A quick look at Q tables from manufacturer's data
sheets indicates Q does vary at least 2:1 over a wide frequency range.
Accurate simulation might require limiting analysis bandwidth, modifying Q
for the next limited analysis bandwidth, and so on.
LQ branches are simulated internally by a series R-L equivalent, resistive
part equal to inductive reactance magnitude divided by Q. CQ branches are
simulated internally by a parallel R-C equivalent, conductive part equal to
capacitive susceptance magnitude divided by Q. Together, an LQ branch and
a CQ branch can accurately portray an L-C resonant circuit.
LINEA - Page 42 of 71
Resistors have some parasitic capacity in parallel with resistance, varying
from 100 femtofarads (SMTs) to 1 picofarad (axial-lead types). At
frequencies where that capacity becomes significant, a PRC branch should be
used. If a circuit has very long leads on a resistor, lead inductance can
have an effect on total component impedance but can be simulated with an
SRL branch. A capacitor with lead inductance or an inductor with lots of
winding capacity must each use two branches.
The most difficult part about modelling parasitics is _knowing_ what the
parasitics are. LINEA can't help you there, but, once known, LINEA can
simulate parasitics exactly.
Using a type HFS dependent current source to monitor current through a
branch is an excellent _non-intrusive_ technique of analysis. There is
absolutely no 'probe capacity' or change in any measured branch due to the
real-world measuring equipment. However, some of us 'schematic oriented'
analysts may fall into a trap with certain branches.
LINEA's double-component branches LQ, CQ, SRL, SRC, PRL, and PRC are
analyzed as complex quantities at each frequency. If you want to measure
the current through an LQ, you will get the current through the _entire_
series R-L equivalent branch, not just the inductor. With a type CQ,
current is the total to the parallel R-C, not just the capacitor.
Measuring separate resistive or reactive currents requires a circuit having
only resistance or reactance.
The voltage across a dependent branch for a type GMS dependent current
source is straightforward. It should be kept in mind that voltage polarity
depends on the ordering of Plus and Minus nodes for a dependent branch.
You can visualize a GMS's dependent branch as having a differential
voltmeter connection to the GMS...reversing the 'voltmeter' leads will
reverse the 'reading' polarity.
Ideal current sources have infinite source resistance. Voltage across such
a source is the voltage drop across _everything_ connected to that source.
While that will correctly model a transistor collector or drain, or a
vacuum tube plate, you may want a very _low_ impedance voltage source or
one with a specified source impedance.
LINEA allows real-world-impractical voltage sources. A 1000 Ampere current
source across a 1 milliohm resistance will produce a 1 Volt voltage source
having a source impedance of 1 milliohm. Add a series resistance of, say,
50 Ohms, and you have a voltage source with a 50 Ohm source resistance.
A Mega-Ampere current source across a micro-Ohm resistance makes an even
'stiffer' voltage source. Such is quite within the magnitude range of
LINEA - Page 43 of 71
There are a few _theoretical_ equivalents to real-world circuits that
require 'negative' value components. LINEA allows this; just enter a
negative resistance, capacitance, or inductance.
Negative values do not change the magnitude of single-component branches,
only the phase-angle/polarity. A negative inductor has inductive reactance
magnitude proportional to frequency, a negative capacitor has capacitive
reactance magnitude inversely proportional to frequency.
All 'Op-Amp' Integrated Circuits have a built-in "breakpoint" frequency
where the open-loop gain begins to fall at a rate of 20 db per decade of
frequency...and also produces a definite phase-shift at higher frequencies.
This _will_ affect overall response of ideal voltage-frequency-selective
circuits which don't have compensation for that Op-Amp phase shift.
If you are analyzing a circuit which is questionable as to such phase-shift
compensation, I would advise setting all Op-Amp macromodels to high
Megahertz breakpoint frequencies at first. Get a hardcopy response
printout, then replace all the Op-Amp macromodels with those having a lower
breakpoint frequency, re-analyze and compare the responses.
Note: At least two hardcover textbooks have circuit examples and tables
of values, all of which assume _ideal_, no-breakpoint Op-Amps. Such
circuits will only work as advertised over a frequency range _below_
real-world Op-Amp breakpoint frequencies.
These were not included in LINEA because they are simple enough to model
with four conventional branches: Three single capacitors representing the
three junction capacities and a GMS across the Source-Drain junction
dependent on Source-Gate capacitance voltage.
Double-tuned transformers with specific coupling coefficients are a simple
way to set the passband of an amplifier. Coupling coefficient k is one of
the critical items. The transformer macromodel can be used quite
effectively in the analysis-solution of such circuits since coupling
coefficient is one of the parameters of the macromodel. There is one word
of caution on such use: The macromodel does not include quality factor Q
and Q is often the other critical parameter.
Q of a tuned transformer can be modelled with parallel resistances across
each winding. Resistance value is Q times the resonance-frequency
inductive reactance. An alternate can be a series resistance with each
winding, resistance equal to resonance-frequency inductive reactance
divided by Q. The alternate requires at least one extra circuit node,
which may not be practical in large circuits.
LINEA - Page 44 of 71
Another possibility is to not use the macromodel at all and to manually
calculate the four branch values illustrated under TRANSFORMER MACROMODEL
DETAILS. The difference here is that each winding can use an LQ branch
type instead of a pure inductance.
If you have a component with _known_ characteristics over frequency, some
creativity will allow a combination of branches to simulate that component.
LINEA will allow tailoring that "black box" simulation to fit the known
characteristics. That may take several nodes.
To apply such a simulation to the entire circuit, it can be re-created
there...but the nodes needed _within_ the simulation cannot be connected to
other parts of the entire circuit.
This is another manual task, probably taking more scratch paper than the
original circuit list construction. Contiguous node ordering helps. Other
than that, the task is strictly manual and time-consuming; keeping the
original worksheets is a good idea.
For those who would like to try a 'reconstruction' program to make a list-
to-diagram conversion, circuit file data fields are explained in the
LINEA - Page 45 of 71
The WAVEform SPECification program is a stand-alone program used to
generate repetitive waveform data files for use by LINEA. It takes manual
data input as time-amplitude information and converts this, through a
Fourier transform, into a set of 200 complex frequency coefficients.
Waveform data input may be a simple, single pulse or a segmented waveform
described by amplitude at equal time increments or by amplitude at
individual time positions within the period. Waveforms may be converted to
100% amplitude modulation of a specified carrier frequency. WAVESPEC is
applicable to independent study of frequency spectra of a time-amplitude
specified repetitive waveform.
All functions in WAVESPEC (MWAVSPEC for Math coprocessor version) are
controlled from a Main Command level, using 3-, 2-, or 1-letter command
words. Command words have the same case indifference as LINEA. Where
numerical data input is required, WAVESPEC allows the same Scaling Letter
suffix option as LINEA; Scaling Letters are the only exception to case
The Main Command prompt is "WAVE*>" with printer port off, "Wave->" with
printer port on. When the printer port is on, all listings and graphical
equivalents are sent to the printer port instead of the screen. Prompts
and requests, warning messages go to the screen regardless of printer port
Main Command words are one or two. One or more spaces separate the two.
Data item words are always the second word and may consist of one to five
data items separated by a comma, semicolon, or forward-slant (/).
There are three ways to describe a repetitive waveform in WAVESPEC:
1. A single positive pulse having independent risetime, top-width, and
2. Any positive waveform described by amplitude at equal increments of
time within the period.
3. Any positive waveform described by _both_ amplitude and time position
within the period.
Maximum amplitude is always 1 Ampere peak positive, any description.
Negative amplitudes are 'task-controls' and will not describe waveform
amplitude by themselves.
LINEA - Page 46 of 71
All waveforms begin as video-mode waveforms; i.e., they have a DC value and
199 harmonics of the repetition frequency. These may be converted to 100%
amplitude modulation of a carrier frequency, spectrum having symmetrical
sidebands containing the _first_half_ of the waveform repetition harmonics.
An "RF" waveform spectrum may be re-converted to Video by specifying a zero
carrier frequency. This effectively halves the number of coefficients
originally generated from input description; sidebands are "unfolded" and
frequency-translated back to video. Conversion to RF, re-conversion to
Video may be done repetitively to study the effects of limiting the number
of harmonics or sidebands.
WAVESPEC has the same Print/Tabulation and Plot/Graphical-equivalent output
as LINEA. Any waveform may be reconstructed from frequency-domain
coefficients to time-amplitude, including individual RF cycles of a
modulated carrier frequency. Carrier modulation waveform may be output in
envelope form, envelope reconstruction done by a frequency-to-time
transform of the RF spectrum.
Output of waveform reconstruction is commanded by a word pair having an
output Type (Time-amplitude, Spectrum, or Modulated-Carrier Envelope) and
an output Format (Print or Plot), Type and Format being in any order. A
single word (3-letter acronym) may be used in lieu of the word pair.
Any described waveform may be saved to disk in spectrum form, or read in
from disk to reconstruct the waveform for viewing. The Drive:\Directory
path may be changed as desired; default is the same drive and directory as
WAVESPEC itself. Users may temporarily access DOS from within WAVESPEC.
WAVESPEC may be invoked from within the LINEA program by the WAVeform
command word. Once that is done, LINEA will appear to display the cursor
at a new line, no command-level prompt shown. This is actually at DOS
level, LINEA having been moved to Background. The user must enter WAVESPEC
to run that program.
Once the WAVESPEC screen appears, LINEA and its data memory is intact in
your system and nothing in that part of RAM is accessed by WAVESPEC.
Quitting WAVESPEC will automatically return you to LINEA.
Note: Your computer must have a minimum of 384K of free RAM for
WAVESPEC to be run from within LINEA. If this is not available,
WAVESPEC must be run as a separate, stand-alone program. There is no
RAM data transfer between programs, data transfer is by disk.
LINEA - Page 47 of 71
Command word minimum letters are denoted by capitals following. Command
word entry may be of either case or mixed-case, CAPITALS shown here only
for emphasis.
EXIt EXI EX X - Exit/Quit WAVESPEC, return to LINEA (if invoked from
QUIt QUI QU Q there) or to DOS (if run from DOS level).
HELp HEL HE ? - Display up to 4 screens of brief descriptions of
functions and commands. At Main Command only.
TIMe TIM TI T - Output word. Used with a following numerical data
word, enters time limits (minimum, maximum, delta)
of reconstruction time. As one of an output Type-
Format pair, commands reconstructed waveform output.
SPEctrum SPE - Output word, used as Type in output Type-Format pair,
SP S commands output of all frequency coefficients.
ENVelope ENV - Output word, used as Type in output Type-Format pair,
EN E commands output of modulation envelope of a waveform-
modulated carrier. Note: If waveform is Video, will
be the same as TIMe.
PRInt PRI PR P - Output word, used as Format in output Type-Format
pair, commands Print/Tabulation.
PLOt PLO PL = - Output word, used as Format in output Type-Format
pair, commands Plot/Graphical-equivalent using ASCII
PULse PUL PU ! - Describe single pulse waveform.
EQUal EQU EQ U - Describe waveform by amplitude along equal time
increments within period.
INDividual IND - Describe waveform by both amplitude and individual
IN I time position within period.
RFCarrier RFC - Specify a carrier frequency which will be amplitude
RF modulated by the described waveform. Note: Sidebands
are symmetric about the carrier but are limited to
half the Video coefficients minus one.
CLEar CLE CL # - Clear coefficients, reset coefficient maximum to 200,
reset to Video mode.
ON ( - Turn on (enable) printer port for outputs. Main
Command prompt changes to "Wave->".
OFF OF ) - Turn off (disable) printer port for outputs. Main
Command prompt changes to "WAVE*>".
WRIte WRI WR W - Write waveform data to disk. 8-character maximum
filename may be given as second command word or in
LINEA - Page 48 of 71
response to following prompt for it. File extension
of .LWC is automatically appended to filename.
GET GE G - Get (read) waveform data from disk. Filename
conventions are the same as WRIte. Primarily for
viewing already-created and stored waveforms or for
changing carrier frequency of an RF waveform.
NAMe NAM NA N - Create or change filename of waveform currently in
WAVESPEC. Note: If filename exists in WAVESPEC, a
WRIte or REAd will query if that filename is to be
used for the waveform data file.
REMarks REM - Add 47-character maximum remark line to waveform
RE * output and to waveform data file.
MARgin MAR - Select left, top and bottom margins of hardcopy
formatting. Identical to LINEA, margins are not
transferred between programs, must be set
individually. Default is 5 characters left margin,
3 lines at both top and bottom.
DRIve DRI DR & - Set Drive:\Directory path of all waveform data files.
DIRectory DIR DI Default is same path as that of WAVESPEC.
DOS DO \ - Temporarily shell to DOS for any DOS function, returns
to WAVESPEC on entering "EXIT" at DOS level.
PRT - Single 3-letter acronym output command equal to PRInt
TIMe word pair.
PLT - Single 3-letter acronym output command equal to PLOt
TIMe word pair.
PRS - Single 3-letter acronym output command equal to PRInt
SPEctrum word pair.
PLS - Single 3-letter acronym output command equal to PLOt
SPEctrum word pair.
PRE - Single 3-letter acronym output command equal to PRInt
ENVelope word pair.
PLE - Single 3-letter acronym output command equal to PLOt
ENVelope word pair.
LINEA - Page 49 of 71
Enter "PUL", "PU", or "!" at the Main Command. A prompt will be made for
the repetition period. Enter the _time_ of one period. A second prompt
will appear for "risetime, top-width, falltime." Enter those, separating
the numeric values by a comma, semicolon, or forward-slant. You must enter
three values. The total time of risetime, top-width, and falltime must be
equal to, or less than period duration.
One or two values may be entered as zero. A triangle wave description of
200 microseconds total base length is entered as "100u,,100u" with the two
successive delimiter commas indicating that top-width is zero.
There is no input for peak amplitude. Peak amplitude with a single pulse
is, by default, a maximum value of Unity. Amplitude at beginning and end
of a single pulse is zero.
On entry completion, there is a short pause while WAVESPEC computes the
Fourier transform, followed by a screen prompt indicating "description
Enter "EQU", "EQ", or "U" at the Main Command. A prompt will be made for
the repetition period. Enter the _time_ of one period. A second prompt
will appear for the time increment. Enter the time increment. Time
increment must be less than the period but may be an odd fraction of the
There is a sequence of prompts for "amplitude at <time>" with <time>
indicating the _end_ of that time position within a period. The beginning
of the first <time> increment is always zero. Amplitude must be positive
and never exceed Unity.
To repeat the same amplitude over several time increments, enter the
negative of the number of increments to be repeated. The total of such
increments will begin at the end of the last positive amplitude entry and
hold that last entry's amplitude to the end of the multiple of increments.
Amplitude description automatically ends when the total of all time
increments equals or exceeds the period.
To terminate a low duty-cycle waveform, let the amplitude of the last time
increment be zero, then estimate the number of increments left within the
period and enter that estimate as a negative integer. Nothing is harmed if
the integer is larger than the multiple of increments left in the period.
Note: Since the amplitude at the start of the first time increment is
zero, the end of the last time increment should also have an amplitude of
zero. If the end of the last time increment is greater than the period,
the resulting waveform coefficient set may have a 'spike' equivalent.
LINEA - Page 50 of 71
Enter "IND", "IN", or "I" at Main Command. A prompt for repetition period
will appear. Enter the _time_ of the repetition. The next prompt is the
beginning of a sequence of prompts for the time-end and amplitude at time-
end of an individual waveform segment. Enter the time-of-end-of-an-
individual-segment and the amplitude (0 to +1) at that end, values
separated by a comma, semicolon, or forward-slant.
Note: The first individual segment always begins with zero period time
position and with zero amplitude. To avoid description error, the last
segment should have zero amplitude.
Individual time position description ends when the total time exceeds the
period. You may also force a termination by entering zero or negative
All waveform descriptions are done assuming a Video waveform; i.e., the
first coefficient is the DC average value and all higher coefficients
containing the complex value of amplitude at each repetition-rate harmonic.
The waveform may be converted to modulation waveform of an RF carrier
frequency by entering "RFC" or "RF" at Main Command.
The resulting amplitude modulation has a maximum modulation index of unity,
and corresponds to the maximum entered waveform amplitude. The number of
sidebands on either side of the RF carrier frequency is one-half-minus-one
of the total number of coefficients of the Video waveform. If the
described waveform has the default value of 200 coefficients, the number of
sidebands on either side of the carrier is 99. This limitation was done to
keep the total number of spectral components near-equal for use in LINEA.
The entered carrier frequency must be greater than one-half the number of
coefficients times repetition frequency.
The carrier frequency may be changed at any time, including being set to
zero. A zero frequency entry results in a long prompt indicating that the
converted RF waveform will have half the original number of coefficients.
On a "Yes" entry to the query, conversion to Video is done, followed by a
prompt indicating the new number of coefficients.
The new, reduced-coefficient waveform data may be re-converted to an RF
waveform and then reconverted to Video, halving the new number of
coefficients. This technique is sometimes useful in examining the results
of reducing the number of waveform harmonics.
Note: The coefficient reduction will hold for all other functions.
Coefficient maximum of 200 can be restored by entering "CLE", "CL", or
"#" at the Main Command level. This resets mode to Video and clears any
existing waveform data.
LINEA - Page 51 of 71
TIMe, SPEctrum, ENVelope type, PRInt or PLOt format are identical in
function to LINEA. A waveform output of any type is reconstructed by a
frequency-to-time transform. Time limits of a reconstruction is done by
entering "TIMe" or "T <limits>" at Main Command. The second word,
<limits>, has minimum, maximum, and delta (increment) times, and, if not
entered directly, will be prompted.
When reconstruction is happening, the screen displays "Working!" prefaced
by a Rotating Twiddle Character. The 'RTC' appears to turn 45 degrees for
each reconstruction time increment. Both disappear from the screen when
reconstruction is complete.
For all PLOt outputs, reconstruction finds the extremes of amplitude as an
aid in setting plot scale limits. Every PLOt output has 60 minor
divisions, 6 major divisions for amplitude.
To save some memory space in WAVESPEC, the maximum number of reconstruct
increments is limited to 200. LINEA's maximum is 800.
Since there is no shared memory between LINEA and WAVESPEC, and that
WAVESPEC may be run as a stand-alone program, waveform data is saved to
disk by a "WRIte <filename>" Main Command. <filename> follows the same
conventions as LINEA and a file extension of ".LWC" is automatically
appended. If the <filename> already exists on disk, WAVESPEC will query
you as to whether or not you want to over-write the old file with new data.
To read in waveform files from disk, enter "GET <filename>" at Main
Command. Command is identical to that in LINEA. If <filename> is omitted,
WAVESPEC prompts for it. If <filename> does not exist, WAVESPEC issues a
prompt to that effect and cancels the command.
The drive-directory path for waveform data files defaults to that of
WAVESPEC itself when run. That path may be changed by either the "DRIve"
or "DIRectory" Main Commands. The file path may be entered as a second
word or entered within the vertical bars of the prompt following. Note: An
optional path selected within WAVESPEC has no connection with the same path
command in LINEA.
To view contents of a drive:\directory or perform other DOS functions, the
Main Command of "DOS", "DO", or "\" does a 'shell' to DOS. You may enter
one DOS command and have an automatic exit from DOS back to WAVESPEC, or
you may enter "COMMAND" (7 letters) to stay in DOS. To leave DOS and
return to WAVESPEC, enter "EXIT" (4 letters) at the DOS level.
Optional output to the printer port is identical to LINEA except there is
no transfer of margin settings between programs; margins must be set
individually. Default values at WAVESPEC start are 5 character spaces left
margin (half inch) and 3 lines top and bottom margins (half inch).
LINEA - Page 52 of 71
To make all outputs to the printer, enter "ON" or "(" at Main Command. The
Main Command prompt will change from "WAVE*>" to "Wave->" indicating that
the printer port is active. Prompts, warning messages, echo of all inputs
will still appear on the screen.
To return all outputs to the screen, enter "OFF", "OF", or ")" at Main
Command. The Main Command prompt will change from "Wave->" to "WAVE*>"
indicating that the printer port is inactive.
There are a finite number of harmonics available for reconstruction and
subsequent analysis-solution in LINEA. The 200-coefficient limit is a
fairly good compromise between accurate waveform resolution and speed of
analysis-solution and reconstruction. That also means that duty-cycle of a
waveform (especially so for pulses) should be at least twenty percent.
Copying real-world conditions insofar as repetition frequency is concerned
is not absolutely necessary. A one-microsecond short-range radar pulse
having a 1 KHz repetition frequency can be modelled at 100 KHz repetition
frequency or higher. The power spectral density of the waveform does not
change, only the harmonic locations. Similarly, duplicating the horizontal
synchronization and blanking pulse for NTSC television can use four times
the normal 15.7 KHz repetition rate without disturbing analysis-solution or
An NTSC-standard horizontal blanking and sync pulse duration is 18 percent
maximum of the horizontal line total time interval. The highest harmonic
at 15.75 KHz and 200 coefficients is 3.15 MHz, not high enough to show a
color burst at 3.58 MHz. Using a repetition frequency of 31.5 KHz (twice
actual), the maximum blanking duty cycle is 36%, but the highest harmonic
is 6.3 MHz, high enough to show the fundamental of the color burst.
It is possible to model a 100% modulation index waveform on an RF carrier
with reasonable accuracy. In a test run of the completed WAVESPEC program,
a 1 KHz sine wave amplitude was entered in 18 degree EQUal increments with
a positive peak of unity and a negative peak of zero. The repetition
period was 1 millisecond and the EQUal time increments were 50
microseconds. The description began at 270 degrees, using an ordinary Sine
function from a pocket calculator; Sine of 270 degrees is at extreme
negative value. Adding one to the Sine and dividing by two resulted in the
following entry values:
50 uSec: .024472 550 uSec: .975528
100 uSec: .095492 600 uSec: .904508
150 uSec: .206107 650 uSec: .793893
200 uSec: .345492 700 uSec: .654508
250 uSec: .5 750 uSec: .5
300 uSec: .654508 800 uSec: .345492
350 uSec: .793893 850 uSec: .206107
400 uSec: .904508 900 uSec: .095492
450 uSec: .975529 950 uSec: .024472
500 uSec: 1.0
Printing the spectrum indicated that the first coefficient, or DC average
value, was -6.03 db, while the second coefficient or fundamental repetition
LINEA - Page 53 of 71
frequency was -6.07 db, very close agreement. The second harmonic of the
repetition frequency was -58.34 db and all higher harmonics were down even
further. It is possible to achieve greater accuracy, and subsequent
reduction of 2nd and higher harmonics, by using INDividual time-segment
entry mode or smaller time increments in EQUal time-segment mode.
Converting this sinusoid to an RF waveform (1 MHz in the test run) and then
doing a few carrier sinewaves at various times within the period indicated
that the RF amplitude did, indeed, follow 100% modulation.
The ENVelope reconstruction type is valuable for "seeing" analysis-solution
of AM-RF waveforms when the RF carrier is at a much higher frequency
compared to repetition frequency. ENVelope is also good for seeing the
effect of networks having substantially different phase-amplitude response
to lower and upper sidebands of an AM signal.
LINEA - Page 54 of 71
The distributed LINEA program set contains three groups of files. The
first has files common to both Standard (non-coprocessor) and Math (with
coprocessor) versions. The second and third groups have files unique to
Standard and Math versions of LINEA and WAVESPEC.
Files common to both versions:
LINEASET.TXT - Text file, full description/instruction for LINEA
program set, LINEA and WAVESPEC programs.
LINEA.HLP - On-line Help text file for LINEA.
WAVESPEC.HLP - On-line Help text file for WAVESPEC.
SINGSHOW.LIN - Circuit file example, all single branches.
TRANSFRM.LIN - Circuit file for transformer macromodel circuit.
TLINE.LIN - Circuit file for transmission-line macromodel.
BIPOLAR.LIN - Circuit file for transistor macromodel circuit.
OPAMP.LIN - Circuit file for operational amplifier macro-
model in a Sallen-Key low-pass filter.
PHASER.LIN - Circuit file, audio phase-shift network for a
phasing-method SSB generator.
PHASER7.LNA - Solution file for PHASER circuit, node 7.
WAVEXAMP.LWC - Example waveform file, 200uSec pulse at 1 KHz.
LINEAREG.TXT - Text file for LINEA/WAVESPEC registry and how
to obtain 8086 CPU version or math co-processor
version of LINEA and WAVESPEC (much faster).
README.1ST - Short text file description of set, intended for
distribution where files are packed by an archiver.
FILE_ID.DIZ - Short text file description preferred in some BBSs.
Standard (non-coprocessor) version files:
LINEA.EXE - Standard executable circuit analysis main program.
LINCFG.EXE - Configuration file generator for necessary LINEA.CFG
file; LINEA will not execute without .CFG file.
WAVESPEC.EXE - Standard executable waveform description program.
Math (coprocessor-equipped computer) version files:
MLINEA.EXE - Math version executable circuit analysis program.
MLINCFG.EXE - Configuration file generator for necessary MLINEA.CFG
file; MLINEA will not execute without .CFG file.
MWAVSPEC.EXE - Math version executable waveform description program.
The three files in each version are compiled from the same source code,
differing mainly in the run-time math routines. You must choose one or
the other version, depending on your particular computer. The Standard
version runs on any 80286 or later CPU, with or without a coprocessor.
The Math version will run ONLY on a 'DX' or one with an 80287, 80387,
387SX, or 387SL augmented computer; Math version will "hang" if run with
a non-coprocessor system.
LINEA - Page 55 of 71
At first running, all files (except the last two) should be in the same
Drive:\Directory. Files README.1ST and FILE_ID.DIZ are included only for
identification and explanation to BBS file browsers. Those two may be
deleted if desired; contents are duplicates of information here.
It is recommended that LINEASET.TXT be printed out first. This text file
contains the description and instructions for all programs plus program
data file organization and helpful hints. It is formatted for 8 1/2 by
11 standard paper size, 7 1/2 inch maximum horizontal line size (printer
supplies half inch left margin) and is directly printable by DOS command
LINCFG (or MLINCFG) must be run before LINEA (or MLINEA). LINCFG creates
or recreates the necessary .CFG file. Neither main program will run if
the .CFG file is missing or in another directory. LINCFG also does some
checking of your computer system. The created .CFG file will be in the
same drive and directory as LINEA, WAVESPEC and LINCFG.
The LINEA Program Set is _not_ free. It is Shareware. You are free to use
it on a trial basis for 15 days. After the trial period, continued use
obligates the individual user to Register the LINEA Program Set with the
author. Full details on Registry are found in text file LINEAREG.TXT and
are briefly noted following:
Individual user Registry is $40 U.S., payable by check or money order.
This also applies to any business, organization, or educational institution
after the trial period.
Installation of a numeric co-processor is recommended. Both LINEA and
WAVESPEC use extensive floating-point numeric calculation; a numeric co-
processor can greatly reduce execution times. The LINEA Program Set may
be made available for older computers using an 8086 Central Processor
Unit (CPU) if there is any demand; inquire of the author at the Registry
address for older CPU versions.
Operation of all versions is identical. EXE file size varies due to the
compiled math routines. MS FORTRAN allows in-line coprocessor calls, so
the size of Math version EXE files is smaller. One floppy disk copy is
available from the author for an additional $10 U.S., postpaid, surface
mail only, choice of 5.25-inch or 3.5-inch disk, HD (high-density) media
only. A copy may be obtained only if ordered coincident with Registry
of if already registered with the author.
LINEA - Page 56 of 71
This assumes that the entire LINEA program set is on disk and that LINCFG
has been run and completed. The following short primer assumes the user
has some knowledge of circuit theory but is unacquainted with computer-
aided design/engineering programs.
A short, 6-screen display of commands and circuit elements is available at
the Main Command by entering HELP, HEL, HE, or ?.
Help screens are always in the same order and all but the last have a
"More [Y/n] ?" prompt. To get the next screen, just depress the <Enter>
key or enter "Y". To exit the Help display, enter "N" and it will return
to Main Command level.
Help screens are stored on disk as a Text file, approximately 10K in size.
Users familiar with LINEA may delete that .HLP file, if desired. If the
.HLP is deleted, a Help request will only result in an error message
indicating that the Help file cannot be read. Help file presence or
absence does not affect LINEA operations.
At the Main Command, enter "READ SINGSHOW". This reads example data file
SINGSHOW.LIN from disk into LINEA, a non-working listing showing all
available single-branch circuit components. A prompt will appear
indicating a new circuit read in, old circuit (if any) discarded, and the
node of solution, then return to Main Command.
Enter "LIST" at Main Command. The circuit list will scroll up, headed by
the title display showing circuit filename, when it was created, remarks
for that circuit, node of solution, current time and date, and any branches
To get a printed copy, check that printer paper is positioned at the top of
a page, enter "ON" at Main Command, then enter "LIS" again. The screen
only shows the Main prompt which has changed from "MAIN*>" to "Main->"
indicating output is directed to printer. Enter "OFF" at Main; Command
prompt becomes "MAIN*>" again indicating output is to screen. [printer
will do one line-feed on the OFF command, quite normal]
List data is fairly self-explanatory. Branch type descriptions allow up to
8 characters maximum but only the first one, two, or three letters matter.
The first branch is designated RESISTOR but it could also have been "R-1"
or just "R" or even "R_FIRST."
Note: Branch type descriptions will always be displayed as all-capitals,
regardless of entry case.
'Plus' nodes and 'Minus' nodes have specific meanings only for current
_sources_ and for dependent branches of a dependent current source. If
this is confusing, please review the description of independent and
LINEA - Page 57 of 71
dependent current sources given earlier. 'Plus' and 'Minus' nodes would be
arbitrary for a circuit composed entirely of passive branches.
In the value columns, two-value branches will always have the same ordering
as the minimum branch type description; i.e., an LQ branch would show
inductance first, Quality factor second. The number of significant digits
is rounded-off to five.
There is a bit of shorthand in the 3-letter type description of series and
parallel R-L and R-C branches. The first letter for a Series branch is
"S." The first letter of a Parallel branch is "P."
Dependent current sources GMS or HFS will always indicate their dependent
branches by both branch number and type description.
Read in circuit file TLINE ("R TLINE" at Main Command), then List it. Note
that SIG ('signal generator') and the two resistors (R-SOURCE, R-LOAD) are
in the same format as with SINGSHOW...all three are single branches. Type
"Z" is a minimum type description for a transmission line macromodel and
occupies three contiguous branch positions in a List, corresponding to the
three branches created and analyzed within LINEA.
Where single branches had node numbers under both Plus and Minus columns, a
macromodel has only one node (under Plus column) with an identification of
that node of the model (under Minus column). [A transmission line doesn't
really have an "input" and "output" but that arbitrary identification is
better than saying "one end" and "other end."] Values are shown for the
entire model, not individual model branches.
Enter "F 1M,50M,-15" at Main Command. This tells LINEA to set a frequency
sweep from 1 MHz to 50 MHz in 15 logarithmic steps. ["1M" and "50M" must
use upper-case M for Mega] You can confirm this by entering "SET" at
Main...resulting in a circuit title describing TLINE followed by frequency
range. A SETtings display is screen-only and useful for checking current
Enter "PRI FRE" at Main...requesting a Print (tabulation) of voltage
solutions over Frequency. Tabulation will scroll up on the screen. The
node of solution is 2 and the voltage across R-LOAD is 22.800 Volts. LINEA
has a default zero-decibel reference of one volt so the DB column shows
27.15 decibels. TLINE has no reactive branches so the voltage remains
constant over frequency. Phase angle at node 2 varies over frequency
(expected) but Group Delay is constant at 13.556 nanoseconds.
Group Delay follows actual time delay from a signal source to node of
solution...provided that frequency increments are small enough and phase
angle changes are smooth enough...it is a calculated value of differential
phase angle divided by differential frequency. TLINE has a transmission
line length of 120 inches and a velocity of propagation of 0.75, equivalent
to a free-space path of 160 inches. Signal propagation at the speed of
light (299,792.5 KM/Sec) over a 160 inch distance is 13.556 nanoseconds.
Enter "DBR 25" at Main Command. This tells LINEA to set the zero-db
reference at 25 Volts. Enter "P F" at Main to repeat the tabulation of
LINEA - Page 58 of 71
voltage at node 2. Everything is the same as before except the decibels
column shows "-0.80 db" instead of the previous 27.15 db.
Enter "PLOT F" at Main. Three prompts will appear in sequence, each one
indicating minimum and maximum solution values of voltage, phase angle, and
group delay. To use solution extremes as scale limits, just use the
<Enter> key at each query. A simulation of a graph plot will appear
following a circuit title header. Scale limits are shown on the graph top.
Relative voltage in db [* mark] and Group Delay [^ mark] is fairly
constant; phase angle [: mark] changes over the entire scale range.
You can experiment with different scale limits by entering "PLF" (alternate
single-word command for "PLOt FREquency") and then entering your own values
at each limit prompt. Note: If there is no change in frequency limits, no
node of solution change, no circuit change, LINEA retains the first
solution; repeated PLOts use the same solution data, changing only the
simulated plot mark positions.
Enter "NOD 1" at Main to tell LINEA to solve for voltage at node one
(signal generator or transmission line 'input'). Enter "PRF" at Main
(shorthand for "PRInt FREquency"). Tabulation of voltage at node one shows
a constant 25 Volt, 0 db, 0 degree phase-angle over frequency. Considering
the 50 ohm characteristic impedance line is matched at both ends with
perfect 50 Ohm resistors, this is expected at the signal source end of the
To check the "input" impedance of the line, enter the following at each
Main Command prompt: "O 2" (OPEn branch 2); "PR Z" (Print-tabulate
Impedance). R-SOURCE has been temporarily disconnected and LINEA will
tabulate impedance "looking into" node 1. Impedance will be a constant,
resistive 50 Ohms. [All signal sources are automatically disconnected
during impedance solutions.]
Perfect transmission lines with perfect resistive terminations tend a bit
towards boredom. For variety, Open and Close the terminations and check
voltage at each end, or use the Modify command to change the termination
resistance values. This is quick way to see the effects of "open" and
"shorted" transmission line sections over frequency.
Read in SINGSHOW and note branch number four's list line. Enter
"OPEN 4" at Main Command, then "LIST" again. Branch 4 will show asterisks
between the fourth branch's data, indicating that, while it is still in the
list, it is "struck out" of any analysis. Connections to branch 4 have
been open-circuited. Note the bottom line in the circuit header display
indicating one branch open and that it is number four.
At Main Command, enter "CLOSE 4," then "LIS." Branch 4 has no asterisks,
indicating its connections have been closed to the rest of the circuit.
The bottom line of the title display indicates that no branches are open.
Note branches 5 and 6, then enter "DELETE 5" at Main Command. Enter "LI"
to see the list again. Old branch 5 is gone and the former branch 6 now
occupies that list position. All higher branches have moved down one.
LINEA - Page 59 of 71
Enter "INSERT 5" at Main Command. A new prompt for Type-Nodes will appear,
indicating that INSert has jumped into the Circuit Entry. Enter "CQ,1,5"
at the Type-Nodes prompt. Enter "5u,50" at the prompt for Branch 5 values.
The Main Command will return. Enter "L" to see the list again.
Branch 5 has been restored, and all higher branches have returned to their
original branch order numbers. However, a 5 microfarad capacitor with a Q
of 50 is unlikely while a 5 nanofarad capacitor is more realistic. Enter
"MODIFY CQ" at Main Command. This results in a request for values of
branch 5 (type "CQ"). Enter "5n,50" at the values prompt (being careful to
enter a lower-case 'n') then List the circuit. Branch 5 has been changed
to 5 nanofarads with a Q of 50. Note that the creation time and date is
now the same as the current time and date.
Enter "OPE 1" at Main Command. A prompt will appear indicating that branch
13 is dependent on an open branch and, as a result, branch 13 has been made
open also. List the circuit to show both branches indicated as open.
LINEA has checked for this possibility after the OPEn command was
completed. Had this check not been done, LINEA would not have crashed or
hung, merely stopped trying to analyze the circuit (and indicating it
stopped) and returned to Main Command. LINEA lets you know what caused
most of the common errors.
Enter "CLO 1" at Main Command, then List the circuit. Branch 1 is back to
closed connection but branch 13 is still open. Notice also that 13 must
have a separate CLose command to restore it. The extra CLOse command is
necessary since one passive branch can be the dependent branch for several
dependent current sources.
Note the dependent branch description of branch 13. Enter "DE 1" at Main.
A notice will appear that branch 12 is now open and dependent on a "<none>"
branch. Branch 1, "RESISTOR," will be gone from a Listing, all higher
branches have moved down one list position, and the "HFS" branch is
dependent on branch "0, <none>." LINEA automatically opened the HFS
dependent current source since it no longer has a dependent branch. The
HFS cannot be CLOsed...but you can MODify that branch to be dependent on
another branch that does exist in the circuit. Once the dependent branch
exists, a dependent current source can be CLOsed and OPEned at will.
You have the choice of entering a branch number or a branch's type
description for any edit function. This is also true for entry of
dependent branch of a dependent current source. LINEA is quite flexible...
and forgiving.
An "ADD" at Main Command drops into Circuit Entry, beginning at the next
highest branch number...operation is otherwise identical to "NEW." This is
a good time to try out adding in your own circuit components, to get the
"feel" of building a circuit.
With SINGSHOW circuit edited to something else, enter "WRITE" at Main
Command. A prompt will tell you that "SINGSHOW" filename exists and
queries if you want to use that name. Enter "N" for no. Another prompt
requests the new filename, cursor stopping at left-most position within two
vertical bars. Enter something like "TEST1." The edited file will be
LINEA - Page 60 of 71
written to disk in the same directory containing LINEA.
Enter "L" at Main Command. The List header now shows "TEST1" as the
filename, not "SINGSHOW." LINEA always uses the last circuit filename
entered as the filename of the circuit title. Using the "NAMe" command,
just the circuit filename can be changed. Circuit title Remarks will
remain the same as for SINGSHOW and that can be changed any time with the
"REMarks" Main Command.
Enter "DOS" at Main Command. This goes into a 'DOS Shell' with LINEA held
in memory. A prompt reminds you to enter "COMMAND" if you want to stay in
DOS; the Shell is good for only one DOS command unless that "COMMAND" word
is entered. Request DOS to show the directory. TEST1.LIN will appear in
the directory list, indicating you really did write the circuit file.
If you entered "COMMAND" once in DOS, you can stay in that environment
until you enter "EXIT." You can change directories, delete or rename old
files, do any DOS command. LINEA remains patiently in the background, all
data intact. [Note: This assumes your computer has a minimum of 192K free
RAM] Entering "EXIT" takes you out of the DOS Shell and returns to
LINEA...the Main Command prompt will appear, indicating you returned
safely. Enter an "L" for List and the TEST1 circuit will scroll up.
Except for the DRIve and DIRectory commands, LINEA has no other DOS
functions within program. The "DATe" command at Main is a user-
convenience, display-only function; resetting the computer time and date
must be done at DOS level.
To change the DRIve:\DIRectory for LINEA data files, drive and directory
must _already_ exist; LINEA doesn't create them. If a non-existant drive
or directory is specified, LINEA reads or writes are not done and a
prompt is issued for explanation.
LINEA - Page 61 of 71
The genesis of all circuit analysis programs is IBM's ECAP, born in the
mid-sixties. Electronic Circuit Analysis Program was the first wide-scale-
use program to incorporate a system of component entry, selection of
output, choice of either frequency-domain or time-domain analysis. A
circuit designer could finally see the _entire_ circuit's response before
building the breadboard. ECAP was comprehensive but it was slow. Born
before the advent of low-cost mass storage devices, a circuit designer had
to learn the "language" of describing a circuit, "input" the circuit to
special forms so that they could be translated by others into punched
cards. The designer usually had to wait overnight until the job was
completed (done in the old "batch" mode), pick up a thick stack of fan-fold
paper the next day, hope no errors were made in either circuit description
or the card punching, then study the many sheets of B-size output to see
the circuit response. Any abnormalities or unexpected results required
another cycle to correct and collect. Design analysis took literal days to
complete. For most tasks, it was easier to go back to pencil and paper, do
the approximations of critical circuit parts, assemble and check out a
By 1969, the Missle and Surface Radar Division of RCA Corporation had
developed LECAP (Linear Electronic Circuit Analysis Program), doing the
frequency-domain tasks similar to ECAP. The difference was that LECAP
could be used in an interactive mode on the corporation's time-sharing
computer network, from any location. No longer was it required to wait
until the next day for an analysis run...the designer could see the
response within a few seconds, try changes, in effect do "breadboard" work
before actual building of the prototype, all within half a working day.
At the end of the sixties, several other programs made their debut. TRAC
and SCEPTRE, development funded by the U.S. government, increased
versatility and made an attempt towards an input-output language closer to
the circuit designer. Finally, SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated
Circuit Emphasis) appeared and survives in various forms to today. Most
such non-microwave-region analysis programs were concerned with time-domain
analyses, understandable due to increasing design work with digital
electronics. Analog circuit designers tended to ignore frequency-domain
analyses in favor of using "formula" sub-circuits and data...or doing "cut
and try" analyses on the bench with breadboards.
The author's experience with computer-aided design began in 1972 at RCA
Electromagnetic and Aviation Systems Division. A quantity of prototype
pulse-shaping filters were needed quickly and the lead time on inductors
was too long for the R&D program. Some near substitutes could be obtained
off the shelf but there was some hesitation due to inductor resistance. An
H-P programmable calculator was available but an analysis program would
have to be written from scratch...too long. A colleague showed me how to
use the corporate's LECAP. Within an hour, LECAP analysis indicated the
substitute inductors would be satisfactory (time spent largely on waiting
for the 110 Baud teleprinter to type out the data). Substitute inductors
were ordered. When they arrived, a quick breadboard assembly and test
resulted in oscilloscope photos _exactly_ matching the teleprinter
'waveforms.' I was absolutely sold on computer-aided design from then on,
adding programming capability to my set of engineering 'tools.'
LINEA - Page 62 of 71
Since the birth of personal computing in the late seventies, a few
shareware electronic circuit analysis programs have appeared, including a
commercial program, Apple-Circuit, for the old Apple II computer. Most of
those now in use in the nineties are derivations of SPICE and work very
well for time-domain analysis-solution. Few SPICEy programs are quite as
interactive as LINEA, though...and all are more expen$ive.
LINEA was born in 1980 and 'grew up' as various routines for a variety of
computers...primarily for frequency-selective network design. 'She'
acquired an easy-going user interaction during this adolescence, being able
to communicate more and more in 'electronicese' and warning the user when,
and what, mistakes had been made. Her formation was oriented towards use
as a _tool_, not as a program. In her thirteenth year, she came of age as
a complete program, written entirely in Microsoft FORTRAN 5.1.
As a small fact, the Linea is the official flower of the province of
Smaland in Sweden. Famed Swedish botanist Carl Linneaus took his surname
from that flower. My Mother was born in that province. Okay...I'm
Use and enjoy. :)
Leonard H. Anderson
July 1993
LINEA - Page 63 of 71
As a consequence of FORTRAN convention, all data files for LINEA and
WAVESPEC are essentially text files, all alphanumeric information is
recorded in ASCII characters. In the following descriptions, the format of
each data field is from the FORTRAN Format statement which is coded as
Field = Number of character spaces, total, for one item or value.
Record = Contiguous fields terminated by <CR><LF> (Hex 0D 0A).
Note: There are no field separators or indicators that the
first record has begun.
Character string: An
where: A = Indicator for Alphanumerics
n = maximum Number of characters in data field
alignment: Left-justified in data field, blanks (Hex 20) padding
trailing byte spaces.
example: 'A48' indicates a 48-character-maximum string
Integer number: In
where: I = Indicator for Integer value
n = Maximum number of characters in data field
alignment: Recorded right-justified in data field, blanks
(Hex 20) padding in leading character spaces.
polarity: Positive, unless leading numeral character is preceded
by a negative sign (dash, Hex 2D).
Real (floating-point) number: En.m
where: E = Indicator for floating point ("has Exponent") value.
n = Number of total character spaces in field
m = Number of characters in fractional part of mantissa
alignment: Recorded right-justified in data field, blanks
padding in leading character spaces.
sub-field organization, in order, first to last (left-to-right):
a. leading padding blanks (if any)
b. Mantissa sign (negative or dash character if Mantissa
negative, no indicator character if Mantissa positive)
c. integer part of Mantissa (LINEA/WAVESPEC are formatted for
only one Mantissa integer digit)
d. Mantissa decimal point (Hex 2E)
e. Mantissa fractional part
f. letter E (Hex 45, indicator for start of decimal Exponent)
LINEA - Page 64 of 71
g. Exponent sign (Hex 2B if positive, equal or greater than
unity; Hex 2D if negative or less than unity)
h. Exponent (LINEA/WAVESPEC always formatted for 2 digits)
example: E11.4 format of value -12345 would be -1.2345E+04
~~~~ m
~~~~~~~~~~~ n
A file examination program such as Vernon Buerg's "LIST" may be used to
examine Data files to see contents in detail.
The first record of every Circuit file begins with an integer denoting the
number of total branches in a Circuit. The total of all following records
will equal that value. Second and subsequent records correspond to the
branches in a Circuit. Fields in each Record are sequential, in order of
Format Description
------ --------------------------------------------------------
I6 Number of branches in circuit
I6 Hour in circuit creation/alteration time-date
I6 Minutes in circuit creation/alteration time-date
I6 Day of month in circuit creation/alteration time-date
I6 Month in circuit creation/alteration time-date (1 =
January, 12 = December)
I6 Year in circuit creation/alteration time-date (4 digits)
A48 Remarks string
Format Description
I6 Branch Type Number, coding:
1 = Resistor 8 = PRC
2 = Capacitor 9 = PRL
3 = Inductor 10 = SIG
4 = LQ type 11 = IDC
5 = CQ type 12 = GMS
6 = SRL 13 = HFS
7 = SRC
1nnm = Transformer macromodel (4 digit) *
2nnm = Transmission Line macromodel (4 digit) *
3nnm = Bipolar Transistor macromodel (4 digit) *
4nnm = Op.nl Amplifier macromodel (4 digit) *
* nn = 2-digit value equal to single branch type.
* m = 1-digit value equal to macromodel branch order within macro.
LINEA - Page 65 of 71
A8 Type Description of Branch
I4 Plus Node
I3 Minus Node
E15.7 First Value
E15.7 Second Value
I5 Switch/Dependent-Branch-Number (minus if Open)
Solution files are of two types: Sweep-frequency-related as in FREquency
and IMPedance solutions; waveform-related for TIMe, SPEctrum, and ENVelope
solutions. The type mandates what is in file in the First and Third
Format Description
I4 Node of solution
I4 Number of frequencies solved for FREquency/IMPedance only
I4 Number of coefficients for TIMe, SPEctrum, ENVelope
3(I4) Three internal values for LINEA
I4 Output format: PRInt = 1; PLOt = 2
I4 Output type: FREquency = 1; IMPedance = 2;
SPEctrum = 3; TIMe = 4; ENVelope = 5
A8 Solution filename (without file extension)
A8 Circuit filename (without file extension), Circuit being
the one analyzed-solved.
A48 Remarks string attached to Circuit analyzed-solved.
5(I4) Solution time-date, same hour-minute-day-month-year
arrangement as Circuit time-date.
Format Description
------ --------------------------------------------------------
E17.9 Zero db Reference Voltage
E17.9 Most-negative degree scale limit for PLOt (may not apply
to recorded solution)
E17.9 Most-positive degree scale limit for PLOt (may not apply
to recorded solution)
Third record quantities are equivalent to the Frequency Limits entered
if the solution was FREquency or IMPedance, or the waveform coefficient
limits as generated by WAVESPEC program after a waveform description.
They are selected by the Output type value of the second record.
Format Description
E17.9 Minimum frequency of solution
E17.9 Maximum frequency of solution
E17.9 Delta frequency: positive is linear increment while
negative's magnitude is multiplier for log increment.
LINEA - Page 66 of 71
Format Description
E17.9 Frequency of solution
E17.9 Voltage magnitude at Frequency
E17.9 Voltage phase-angle at Frequency
Format Description
I4 Number of coefficients, number of records containing
rectangular-form complex waveform coefficients.
5(I5) Waveform creation time-date, same hour-minute-day-
month-year arrangement as Circuit time-date.
A48 Remarks string, primarily for WAVESPEC use, not used by
Format Description
E15.7 R.F. carrier frequency; if this is Video waveform, will
be zero.
E15.7 Coefficient incremental frequency, inverse of waveform
repetition time.
Format Description
E15.7 Minimum coefficient frequency; if Video, this will be 0.
E15.7 Maximum coefficient frequency
These exist at as many as is given by the number of coefficients, the first
item of the first record. Normally these are 200, but it is possible to
generate a waveform data file with 100, 50, 25, 12, 6, or 3 coefficients.
Format Description
E15.7 Real part of complex waveform coefficient.
E15.7 Imaginary part of complex waveform coefficient.
LINEA - Page 67 of 71
Circuit file PHASER.LIN is a LINEA model of voice-band audio phase shift
network for a Single Sideband Transmitter Exciter. Designed by Peter
Martinez, G3PLX, it appeared in the English magazine, RADIO COMUNICATION,
December 1973, p. 852, in the Technical Topics column hosted by Pat Hawker,
G3VA. The circuit is intended to provide four outputs having 90 degree
phase shift from one another. With each output fed into one of four
mixers, each mixer also fed with an R.F. carrier of appropriate phase,
common mixer outputs should be able to generate either an upper sideband,
suppressed carrier signal or a lower sideband, suppressed carrier signal.
Amount of rejection of the unwanted sideband is inversely proportional to
the accuracy of the 90 degree phase differential.
Several attempts were made to "draw" this circuit using ASCII characters.
None seemed satisfactory. To visualize it, consider all the 5.6 K
resistors strung in a row, left to right, in R1x-R2x-R3x-R4x-R5x-R6x order,
the "A" row at the top, "B" row just below, "C" below that, with "D" at the
bottom. Nodes 1, 8, 15, and 22 start each row at the left with audio
signal source inputs. Nodes 7, 14, 21, and 28 are the four "polyphase"
outputs, each having a 10 Megohm 'terminating' resistor. The capacitors
are on a diagonal from one row to the next lower row; the bottom row
"diagonal" capacitors connect to the top row. The node arrangement and
approximate capacitor location is as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - A row
\ \ \ \ \ \
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 - capacitor "AB" group
\ \ \ \ \ \
I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - B row
n \ \ \ \ \ \
p C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 - capacitor "BC" group
u \ \ \ \ \ \
t 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 - C row
\ \ \ \ \ \
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 - capacitor "CD" group
\ \ \ \ \ \
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - D row
\ \ \ \ \ \
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 - capacitor "DA" group
\| \| \| \| \| \|
(completed connections on row A)
This sort of circuit is very calculation-intensive due to all the diagonal
connections. Using the standard 80286+ non-coprocessor version of LINEA,
operating in a 20 MHz 386SX, 45 frequencies took about 75 seconds for each
output node. Using the Math coprocessor version, 45 frequencies were
solved in only 10 seconds! The solution at Node 7 is included as
PHASER7.LNA in the program set. Solving at nodes 14, 21, and 28 will show
that phase difference between outputs is within 2 degrees of 90 from
roughly 500 Hz to 5 KHz. Amplitude at each output node is quite similar.
This is a special case for analysis-solution where _phase_ is the important
criterion. There is no easy way to output phase error between nodes, other
than by a tabulation or graphical equivalent of each node. It is possible
to add to the circuit, using transconductance-specified dependent current
LINEA - Page 68 of 71
sources, so as to see differences. Adding the following:
61 GMS 29 0 1.0000 mho Dep.Br.# 15, R7
62 GMS 29 0 1.0000 mho Dep.Br.# 22, R8
63 R-SUM1 29 0 1.0000 Ohm
64 GMS 30 0 1.0000 mho Dep.Br.# 29, R9
65 GMS 30 0 1.0000 mho Dep.Br.# 36, R10
66 R-SUM2 30 0 1.0000 Ohm
...creates a new Node 29 which has a "45 degree" phase (vector sum of
voltages at Nodes 7 and 14), and a new Node 30 which has a "225 degree"
phase (vector sum of voltages at Nodes 21 and 28). Two more GMSs and
another summing resistor, a new node (31), GMSs dependent on the above-
listed summing resistors, will show the vector addition of the "45" and
"225" phases...or vector subtraction if the node ordering is reversed or
transconductance made negative in the second added GMS.
There are many combinations of measurement-observation additions possible,
dependent current sources allowing a variety of no-disturbance monitoring.
Note: These "polyphase" networks have appeared in several papers in the
IEEE Circuits and Systems transactions of the late seventies and early
It is possible to re-arrange the node ordering versus connection points in
the circuit to reduce solution time, but this is usually more trouble than
it is worth...required component information ordering for LINEA is not like
the schematics we use regularly. The circuit list in PHASER is reasonably
straightforward to the way the original circuit was drawn in RADIO
LINEA - Page 69 of 71
For your own safekeeping, make a copy of all the LINEA Program Set files,
storing them on a floppy disk rather than in another hard disk directory.
(the repeat downloading time you save may be your own...)
To be doubly secure, unpack the Program Set (if packed) and store them that
way, then scan them with a current virus scan program. The LINEA Program
Set that left the author's computer has been thoroughly checked and is free
of virus contaminants, but, BBS distribution being what it is, someone
along the line may have introduced a virus. The author frequents only BBSs
which have virus-checking but has been a victim of the 'Stoned' virus,
passed along on hand-carried disks from computer to computer.
The LINEA Program Set you receive should _not_ have LINEA.CFG in it. That
file, essential to run LINEA.EXE, is created by LINCFG.EXE which is
included in the Set. LINEA.EXE will refuse to run if LINEA.CFG is not in
the same drive:\directory or non-existant.
LINCFG (or MLINCFG for Math version) should be the first program run. It
not only creates the .CFG file but also does some checking of your
particular computer system and also packs some of the constants required
in LINEA.EXE. Just follow the prompt(s) and it will create the .CFG file
in a few seconds.
Note: Both LINEA and WAVESPEC make extensive use of the computer
calender-clock to 'time-stamp' all outputs. Such time-stamping can be
invaluable to later review of LINEA/WAVESPEC analysis-solutions. If
your computer's calendar-clock isn't working, the programs will run
anyway, but you will have to write little memos to yourself to tell you
when a particular output was done.
If you pass on the LINEA Program Set to another (feel free to do so),
please make sure that LINEA.CFG is _not_ in the Set.
If you change drives and/or directories later, please keep all but Data
files in the same drive:\directory. Both LINEA and WAVESPEC expect their
.CFG and .HLP files to exist in the same drive:\directory.
All formatting of hardcopy outputs expects a standard printer capability of
"10 Pitch" character spacing (ten characters per inch horizontal) and 6
lines per inch vertical spacing. Form-feeds are not used in outputs to
printers in either LINEA or WAVESPEC.
Any standard display device will work with the LINEA Program Set, color or
monochrome, CRT or LCD, no difference on Video Cards.
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If you plan on using LINEA often, it is convenient to make a .BAT file for
the Root Directory having just two lines:
CD <driveletter>:\<directory>
CD <driveletter>:\<directory>
With either, you can run them from any directory. The first line of the
.BAT file will do the Change Directory DOS command, the second line runs
the program.
A "Root Directory" is the drive:\directory from which DOS is booted up when
your computer is first turned on. For typical computers with two floppy
drives and one hard disk drive, the configuration is such that the Root is
simply "C:\" (no directory).
A .BAT file can be generated by any text editor having ASCII capability.
A numeric coprocessor installation is highly recommended. The LINEA
Program Set does extensive floating-point operations and a numeric
coprocessor can reduce solution times by factors of three to seven.
While the Standard version programs can work in any 80286+ computer,
with or without a coprocessor, attempting to run the Math version in a
non-coprocessor system will result in a "hang." Manual reset may be
required to regain control after a hang.
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